What Did You Buy Today?

For small tasks, I'm usually too lazy to wear them as it takes more time to put them on than to carry out the task itself. Stupid, I know.

Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.
I got a pair that I simply wear all the time. I laugh when I get compliments on them.
Classic case of "woops", or, put another way "it's a parcel, who gives a carp! by the shipping company.
I think you are right. They packed it really well, I suspect they ship these regularly. I read recently items should be packed to withstand a 25' fall. Sounds like a " Cover my butt." requirement to me.
Yep. I've hit the CRS stage of life. Next stage is needing to look at my tag line to remember my name.
Yea, I get it. I can't remember the names of things, and have to go search for them :rolleyes: :rolleyes: . If I'm lucky I find it, if not, I make up a close name /description until I remember... usually a few minutes after writing it here :rolleyes:, then go back and edit it.
Yea, I get it. I can't remember the names of things, and have to go search for them :rolleyes: :rolleyes: . If I'm lucky I find it, if not, I make up a close name /description until I remember... usually a few minutes after writing it here :rolleyes:, then go back and edit it.
I go back and forth on editing, in part because I'm in a fair number of groups.io forums. There every edit gets sent out to members who get every message.
Not workshop related. Bought my last motorcycle. The one I will use to ride all over.

Making more space in the garage so my wife can park her car inside again… Promised her it will be back in the garage by Tuesday night…. Or Wednesday morning :encourage:


Since I am done fixing the stuff in the old house, decided to install what I got for it.

Spent a few hours today (while it was raining outside) installing the only accessories it will have. For protection and comfort. Engine plate to protect the bottom of the engine from any road debris; grip puppy to avoid cramps from the thin stock bars; pullback risers.


I will be installing an additional brake light on the trunk for additional visibility… and a phone and water bottle holder.

That is it, not going crazy like with previous bikes.

First ride already planned for the first week in September: Ocala-Georgia-Kansas-Colorado and back.

Like some others, I had read in Guy Lautard's The Machinist's Bedside Reader about chalking files. After reading several opinion pieces I realized that "chalk" has a lot of colloquialisms including calling soapstone used for oxy/acetylene cutting. So I started research on Wikipedia and learned there are several minerals and mixtures sold as "chalk." With that information I went shopping.
