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I bought this set a while back. Not sure if or when it will be available again. However, my guess is like many import tools there are other brands with the identical set.


Edit: This set looks active, but larger shank: https://www.amazon.com/iCarbide-Indexable-Boring-Inserts-Included/dp/B09D3688BX/

At first I complained about the carbide inserts being an odd standard. Closer inspection of the inserts (under a microscope) revealed a geometry I was very pleased with. After some digging they appear to be a Japanese standard-ish insert. I found several boxes of each size and basically bough a lifetime supply of them.
I bought some of those off Aliexpress, I wanted a metric shank (18mm) and also bought another set with a 12mm metric shank, but I couldn't find any imperial shank sets on Aliexpress so bought a set of Ebay to get the imperial shank.
Hey Dave I have to keep restocking whats in the glass.:beer: I woulld like to hear about ways to hook the tail stock up, and still not torque over from the rotation.
We made up hooks out of flat stock that hooked the 2 together . They basically just slid over existing bolts . Not sure what lathe you are using these days , but even a strap would work . The tailstock would be tightened to the point it won't tip , but will slide easily . We would use this method on 4" spade drills with no issues . :encourage:
I would like an index of these but it doesn't seem to exist.
I've actually been looking for an empty index box to put my stub drills in but I cannot find any. Might conside the Vevor Huot knock-offs. They're only £50 odd each.
I've actually been looking for an empty index box to put my stub drills in but I cannot find any. Might conside the Vevor Huot knock-offs. They're only £50 odd each.


That looks like a standard empty index. I can find those and have a few but the stub drills are too short for it and end up being a bugger to get out.

I was talking about these:

View attachment 499174
They do ones for taps and endmills too.

Usually only in commercial shops where they use up a lot of bits. Take up valuable square inches of flat space.

I’d get the standard one and either do a little sheet metal work or glue in a block of closed-cell firm foam to push the stubby bits up. Huot uses the same index for both:

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