Mark, if you find that your clamp screw sometimes gets in the way when you're working close to the chuck, you can easily modify the clamp with a larger size SHCS threaded into the clamp and coming in from the other side. The one I made for my big lathe is quite similar in design to yours, especially the clamp. IIRC, the shank is around 1" x 3/4".
View attachment 91543
Here's the cap screw. Notice the sandblasted finish of the toolholder.
View attachment 91544
Yea, I thought about that. I don't think it will be in the way , but if it is I can drill out to an 8-32 and come from the other side. 8-32 is as big as I can go in this holder. If I like it enough, I am going to make a couple more and I will make a couple changes. This one was kind of by the seat of my pants machining. )