Springs for an H frame shop press

Garage door springs should work too. Available at home depot. They have different tensions. One spring should be enough to make 4 springs. Cut it to length.

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David, Not sure how I could run a cable through and still let them stretch. Could you clarify on this a little? Would the cables be just a little longer than the stroke of the ram? So if the spring failed the ram would not crash down?

I think the cable is to keep the spring from bonking you on the head when it fails. Springs that have been modified after the factory tempering have a higher failure rate. Any spring can and will eventually fail. In your application the spring is right at eye level making it especially dangerous. Make the cable just longer than the spring extension.

Also remember that the press itself can spit out your workpiece at a dangerous velocity. Many shops have a rolling expanded metal shield that is placed in front of the press to protect the operator.

OK guys now I feel bad for asking because as I started to cut some angle for the press a friend of mine pulled up ask what I was working on, When I told him he told me his dad who had just passed away a short time back had just bought one before he died. He told me he and his mom would be glad to let me have it. Well we called her I asked what she wanted she said come down and look at it and we will talk. I should have known she knew if I came down I would feel obligated. So I go down its still in the box she reminds me of a few favors I did for Ken, andtells me it's mine no charge. I try to argue but she would not take my money. So as a final compromise she took 50.00 for her church charity and I got a harbor friaght 20 ton press. But thanks for all the Ideas, they are some darn good sorces for future projects, for sure next time I'm at the bone yard I will look for hood springs just to keep on hand. Mark
No good deed shall go unpunished!

Nice of you to make a donation to the church. Class act.
Now make use of your new press and enjoy your friends.
Jim,Before you give me all that credit you should know it was her Idea, after us going back and forth she came up with that as a compromise. She boxed me into it. I am starting to put together matterials and a plan for a brake/bending blade. Mark
There is a guy here in Oregon that sells brake kit for the HF 20 Ton press. Just saw his add on Craigslist today. Looks like an OK design, might give you some ideas.


That is SWAG OffRoad, they are in the off-road 4x4 vehicle industry and have a good reputation. They are active on the Pirate4x4 forum in the "shop and tools" area and the "tools and supplies" area, both are always worth a look.



Here is another thread that has been going on for years and is always entertaining.
Sorry so long to get back to you guys on this. I've been busy with a upgrade Tig class (seems the Time I spent learning tig as a apprentice does not count because it was not a proper class would not allow me to be listed as a Tig welder for work asingment.) Car issues and trying to get this Break blade going. Anyway I have seen the swag one, but I am going to make my own. All I have done so far is cut some of the metal and some sketching. I did change one thing after seeing swags site though. I am going to make it a finger break. I will take some photos as I go along and open a thread on the build.I plane to bulid a fixture to hold the blades so I can replicate them easy. Also I am toying with wats of bolting the bottom dies to the base so that I can make different shapes or sizes in the future.
I am posting a few photos in a new thread shop press finger break build