I would like to thank all who responded in good faith with no bias toward any manufacturer.
I am a Noob, but this Noob did his due diligence before blindly laying down my cash.
Yes, the Grizzly tool post is a BXA. After looking at the dimensional drawings, I walked away with the thought it is (albeit so slightly) stouter that some others. That point will be clearer when you look at the dimensions and remember that Shars do fit other BXA posts. I am usure how one could mistake any AXA/BXA/CXA series with another.
To those, especially Dabbler who correctly pointed-out the mechanical drawings, yes - they were on the Product Page and fully inspected by me. I am quite used to specifications and mechanical drawings for it is a large part of my profession. For the record, the Grizzly tool post is .389". The Grizzly tool holder measures .414" deep. The Shars is advertised at .417". It certainly should fit, but as keen-eyed Dabbler noticed in his follow-up post there is material either side of the "Red Line". It is this material which prevents installation. And no, I did not purchase $150 of product to mill to fit.
There was no disclaimer on the product page:
https://www.shars.com/turning-and-facing-holder-1-type-201-xl-bxa. I look for that kind of thing.
I am quite aware of the common lack of quality and inconsistency of Asian products. As wild as this build inconsistency is, it is further propagated by inconsistencies between manufacturers/distributors. There can be an argument all day long about the quality of a machine when the only difference is the name, color, and to whatever extent the reseller can control - a little extra TLC in the build, add-on goodies, or customer service that BTW, is totally subjective.
I think some got the point of my post. I was not out to bad-mouth Shars exclusively nor am I so naive that my spout would have any effect other than to ****-off some members on this site who love them. Hell, I don't have the
time to write about such crap. The purpose of my post was summarized in the last paragraph. There I had two points:
1) Why would any seller who
knows they have a Noob with his 1st-ever lathe, presumably little knowledge, and no tooling/accessories lose that customer for $17.60? That was a question for the Group to ponder. I now ask, why is it as a Nation we pay good money for inferior products and services only to make excuses for them? The latter part totally escapes me. Marshall Field made a fortune base upon one principle: "Give the lady what she wants...". One could buy a mink coat for thousands and return it next day - no hassle. How many hoops or fights do we have to engage in today? It is almost better to toss it in the can and chalk it up to experience.
2) I did some forensic snooping as to why the holder did not fit and came across another post last month by a fella who had the same problem. It pretty much went the way this post did. A member,
craigsoutdoorsports, posted the Shars holders did not fit his Grizzly post. Unfortunately, his message got lost in the noise of opinion and unsubstantiated claim. His post was the answer -
Shars' holders do not fit Grizzly products. But no one got it or they had 2 cents to add. I wanted to put the Shars/Grizzly BXA toolholder to bed for future folks looking to buy a Shars holder for a G4004G and let
craigsoutdoorsports know his effort was not un-noticed!
I do appreciate all the spirited replies. That is what makes this group great!