R8 round collet question

Reading all the responses brings me to think of that old saying " you get what you pay for" . The collets I have were likely purchased on the basis of price rather than quality. I think I am now paying the "el cheapo" penalty. Not sure right now if it warrants buying set screw types but I think it's something to consider for future. You will never regret buying quality. Thanks all of you for your input.
Just an update , i wanted to see how much contact the collet had on the endmill shank so I painted the shank with a jiffy marker and lightly chucked it up in the collet. Then I turned the endmill with pliers just enough to leave marks on the paint. The contact area looked to be about .250 x .250 on each of the three fingers of the collet so I am not going to worry about it. In the future I will likely go with setscrew type holders. I think they would give an extra amount of rigidity to the cutter that would be needed for heavy cuts.