She's in surprisingly good shape. I wasn't really looking for another mill, but when this one popped up 30 miles away, I convinced myself that I needed it! I think the tooling it came with will probably do anything I need it to, since it's pretty much a toy for me, to build a few things for my hobbies. I wish I had a fraction of the experience some of you guys have, but I'll learn what I need. Thanks for the response!You picked a excellent machine, and if it’s in good shape you got a great deal. When I was outfitting my shop I wanted a Tree 2UVR. We had several 2UVR’s and2GV’s at work and I loved them. I looked for over 2 years for one at a reasonable price score I finally gave up and settled on a Bridgeport. The only downside of Tree machines is that tooling is less plentiful and therefore more expensive.