How others do it (xrf), and some fundamental stuff + hard sums
Like Mark, I am in review mode. I have be trawling everything, all the way back to Theremino Mca. At the end, perhaps a basic consequence to our computing.
Theremino is, of course, a general purpose plot display program written for Windows, with interface kit described as "modular" It is supposed to give visuals to all sorts of projects from keyboard music, atmospheric monitoring, data loggers, stepper motors, etc. The "modules" are such a close clone of Arduino, it can be completely misleading. Maybe, back then, they started out playing with Arduinos.
"Theremino" name alludes to that (ineffective) music maker tone generator called Theremin where one waves one's arms about in the space near it, and all tone progressions are forcibly
What we know from Theremino
Theremino Mca was a XRF project, driven by a separate hardware called Theremino_PmtAdapter. From the name, you can deduce that it is about making a high voltage for, and using, photomultiplier tubes. We, of course, are taking a different approach, using a large area PIN diode that has specifications promising useful operation in X-ray band up to 100KeV, where probabilities of detection are still above 1%, although the data shows it still functional (0.6%) at 1MeV. We
steal recycle re-purpose get it from a Pocket Geiger, which basically triggered counts, as opposed to trying to measure the energy.
You can tell that I was trying to wring out why we think the pulse shape we get should ever look like the one that comes from scintillators, although the way photon does it's thing when it hits has to be much the same, even in a diode. When Mark
@homebrewed provided us with a lovely measured pulse, I stopped looking.
Lead shielded test boxes
Amid the old documents, check out a 8-source array on the
outside of a lead plate box. It was used to check out the coating on a camera lens.
It loses some in the translation, but I quote the text..
"7 uCi of Am241 (not 8 as in the above image) has been used, arranged around a hole in a lead plate, behind
this hole a RAP47 25.4 x 1 mm probe was placed.
Please note that good results may be achieved using
just one uCi of Am241, but
carefully for the geometric relationships between probe, source and target material".
View attachment 436116
Am241 smoke detectors make "better" spectrum plots
So OK, we find in another site, using the same gadget. This time being used to discover what some antique stuff is made of.
Apparently, it is a Tibetan ink pot, and the green plastic disc contains 0.1uCi of Strontium-90 !
Thus, that source is about one ninth the strength of a Am241 smoke detector disc.
The Strontium disc goes right over the detector input, so would be making a peak of it's own
View attachment 436117
The whole series of experiments was about comparing Am241 smoke detector sources with the Sr-90, and how much better is using Am241.
They came from here -->
For convenience, I include the spectrum displays in the PDF attached.
What do the pulses look like at the start - really?
I have read through all of Livio Cicada's stuff on processing the pulses he gets, and all about stretching, and base line shifting, etc.
The key thing to note is that a huge chunk of the gain comes from the photomultiplier tube itself. What follows in the Pmt_Adapter is not to my taste, but anyway..
View attachment 436125
He was having a struggle with the (substantial) portion of the signal traversing below the baseline. This happened because the signal was already hugely amplified by the PMT before it got taken off the high voltage end of the tube via a 4.7nF 1.5KV capacitor.
View attachment 436136
View attachment 436137 _
View attachment 436139
OK, I understand what he does. he gets some nice spectra as well, although I would want better.
For all this, I am still going to be going my own way on this. We know that..
1. One of the spectra published were produced by a single smoke detector source. One was produced by four.
Another was produced by seven, regardless the image showed eight. Hence the clue is "do-able"!
2. The X100 - 7 will produce outputs of X-ray energy fluorescence.
3. The gain we give it is comparable to a photomultiplier, and more.
4. We don't really know what the current pulse looks like. What the PMT gives is a second hand highly amplified photocathode response to scintillator stuff that glows. The diode pulse may be very much faster, limited by the diode capacitance. Small area diodes can work at GHz.
5. We have a theoretical justification that the simple height of a pulse is proportional to the energy, only provided the waveshape form factor of all pulses is constant, and that the duration, even of the small ones, is also constant. Generally, we can't rely on this, and I think "low pass pulse stretching" maintains the relationship in a approximate way, becoming more marginal as the duration gets longer. The longer the time, the less the Y-axis fraction changes of the area represents energy.
Maybe if we just measure the peak, and take it that the duration no longer matters, because we preserved the peak, and we pretend the waveshape is constant, and was shorter, and we only stretched it to have more time to measure it on a slow ADC. This might even work!
We stay with integration as best way of counting up the energy, and insist on best resolution.
For now, I stay with integration. I think it is because I lack trust!
What we measure
We move to a theoretical summation of the charge as the area under the curve, so long as the Y-values were currents. We integrate it!
The relationship between charge and energy involving a capacitor is well enough known. It depends on the capacitor, and the voltage it gets to.
View attachment 436140
Of these, I choose the last. That is what a TIA does.
Here we have to keep very clear in the mind that we were measuring currents in the TIA, and representing them by a voltage analogue. From the output of the TIA onward, the voltage is the proportional analogue of the current.
Then when these were added up, the number we get represents the charge
The only worrisome thing is that the energy we think is being measured is proportional to the
square of what we summed up.
Either we use a nonlinear squaring opamp circuit, or we ask the little computer to find the
square of the added up sum before we put it in a bucket. Otherwise, the relative energies will end up plotted too far crowded to the left all being square-rooted in a kind of anti-log(x) base 2 crush.
Have I got this right?
Also - my apologies for what has to be some tough stuff for members of a machine enthusiast's site