This morning was more seasonal, being 37F higher than yesterday morning. 20F is not warm, but lots warmer than -17F. Today it should get to 45F, which compared to last morning is tropical!
We have been seeing reports on BBC News about the Arctic blast you folk have been having, and record low temperatures at Mt Washington.
Eager to get back to pondering XRF. Did you ever find pricing information on the SDD's? Just curious what they cost, considering their alleged advantages. Even an order of magnitude cost estimate could be helpful. Considering that the current diode is let's say 70 USD, what might an silicon drift diode cost. If it's less than 150, might be worth looking into. If 700, well, don't think it's viable for the target group. At least for me, 700 USD just for the SDD is too high for my casual interest.
I had been looking around for alternative PIN diode all the time. Also now getting deeply into getting at the expression for current from a single photon hit. This is tricky, because all expressions I find are about the
rate of input (Watts) of optical power, which can be had in photons/second.
When we get into bandgap energies, and what happens in the production of electron-hole carrier pairs in a depletion zone, and how what happens includes the carrier acceleration effects that take some energy from the bias. The extreme form of this is SPADs (Single Photon Avalanche Diodes). They are extremely sensitive, with gain, kind of like a solid state version of a PMT, but by their nature, are just event-counting Geiger mode devices.
Look on Wikipedia, and discover how unusual and difficult it is to even contrive single photon sources.
The XRF industry is the big gear here. They want resolutions of one or two hundred EV. They want to see energies down to Magnesium, Aluminium, Sodium, and Oxygen, using only Peltier coolers to -30C instead of having to deal with liquid Nitrogen.
Just look at the Ketek site -->
Check out the spectra here -->
When it's hard to find a price, even just a ball-park value, without getting a quote, you know it's expensive!
If an SDD device cad be had for under $250, then maybe, but I am happy to play with what I have.
In 2021, Ketek sold it's silicon photomultiplier assets to Broadcom.
I am not sure what all that means because SDD's are not photomultipliers like SPADs, and are really for materials detection rather than high speed optical communications.
Hopefully, the PIN diode is adequate for our application. It does concern me that it's going out of production. Would make it tough for someone reading this thread five years from now to find out it's impossible to make any more. Most people just can't diffuse their own diode!
Do not worry about it too much. Despite that we are exploring the hell out of PIN photodiode XRF technology devoted to a device that costs a very low fraction of what is sold in industry, we are flexible/adaptable enough to manage with what we can find. With the diode you have, there is a reasonable chance we can get spectra as good as the PMT.
My scintillator PMT combination, all "new old stock", cost less than getting a SparkFun Pocket Geiger. Of course, a PMT does not need anything like the huge gain ultra-low noise kit, because of the stages of photo-multiplication, but instead, needs a high voltage generator. Not difficult, but a different project. I think Mark already has one.