Might be moving Will need a shop

Talk about surprises. I think that this one takes the cake. In sorting out the phone lines today I went looking for which rooms had phone outlets. In one bedroom that I am going to use as a den there was a cover plate over an electrical box. No idea what was hidden in the box. Took off the cover to discovered 240 volt lines. A black, red and white. Who puts 240 volts in a bedroom? The wires are controlled by the 40 amp range/oven breaker.
What’s a den?

Is that code for the place my spare mill will be setup?
Talk about surprises. I think that this one takes the cake. In sorting out the phone lines today I went looking for which rooms had phone outlets. In one bedroom that I am going to use as a den there was a cover plate over an electrical box. No idea what was hidden in the box. Took off the cover to discovered 240 volt lines. A black, red and white. Who puts 240 volts in a bedroom? The wires are controlled by the 40 amp range/oven breaker.

I’m betting Tanning Bed.

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Talk about surprises. I think that this one takes the cake. In sorting out the phone lines today I went looking for which rooms had phone outlets. In one bedroom that I am going to use as a den there was a cover plate over an electrical box. No idea what was hidden in the box. Took off the cover to discovered 240 volt lines. A black, red and white. Who puts 240 volts in a bedroom? The wires are controlled by the 40 amp range/oven breaker.
Makes me wonder how many times you’ve bought a house or if I’m just unlucky. Even though I felt armed to the teeth from all my bad experiences our present house takes the bakery. Every time I disturb the onion that is this place I feel like it’s one of those exploding cakes. There is not enough room here and I don’t want boor but the people who lived here thought they were handy and did many things they should never even attempted.

Related to your 240v find they left their crappy clapped out electric stove with matching crappy hood. The whole kitchen was tacky from their deep fried life style and the fact the hood they installed didn’t vent outside. It just recirculated. I wanted to put my wonderful old Merritt & O’Keefe gas stove in but it’s 40”W and the old one was 30” with cabinets and counters on both sides but we were going to redo the kitchen and I was desperate to trash that horrible stove and disgusting hood. But behind the stove was this huge hole with the 220 plug just floating in it as there was no stud to attach it to. And no gas line! Never seen such a thing! And no venting for a hood even though there appeared to be a vent on the roof. A while later I got an idea and looked in the upper and lower cabinets about a foot over and there were the original gas and 22v, covered and capped and straight up the covered vent. These people were weirder and dumber than a bag o hammers. And this is just one of their many stupid people tricks.
The outlet is in a corner of the room on the back of the house. About a foot from a sliding glass door that is original with the house on one side and 6" from the wall on the other side. No room for a wall ac. Maybe for an ac condenser? And why would it be on the same circuit breaker as the range/oven? Makes no sense to put an ac unit on the same breaker as the range/oven. Did they have tanning beds in the 70's?

What's a den? Anything that you want it to be. Often a room with multiple uses. I plan to have a comfy chair for reading in one corner and my hobby table along a wall.. What's a hobby table you ask? A place to do things that you can't or don't want to do in the garage/shop. My sewing machines (yes plural) reside under one end when not in use next to the rifle vise. One use last year was to take apart and clean the fuel injection pump off of my sailboat's engine. You need a clean place to do that. The list goes on and on as to what you can do in a den. Whatever is your heart's desire.

The bedroom is part of the original house and not an addition. My next door neighbor's family has owned his house for over 40 years. He is a wealth of information. My house and two others were the first homes built on the street. Scuttlebutt is that the builder used kids in high school to build these homes. Work on the house in the morning and play at the lake in the afternoon. That might explain some things. Mysteries never to be solved.
Finally got to do some work in the garage today. The moving POD was delivered on Monday and is getting picked up tomorrow. The only thing damaged in the move was one of the legs on the stand for the vertical band saw split. Don't know how or why that happened. Everything was packed tight in place and held by ratchet straps. So that got fixed today. The big accomplishment was to get the mill/drill off the garage floor and onto its stand. No easy task. Had to make a bracket to hold the shackle for the chain hoist and attach it to the beam over the back garage door. Picking up the base and setting it on the stand was no big deal. The column and head was just the opposite. The chain hoist would not pick it up high enough to set it on the base. Got it as high as it would go and then picked up the column end. After some struggle I got it to sit into the base at around a 45 degree angle.. To get it sitting upright I had to rest the head on my shoulder and push it upright while slacking the chain hoist. Wasn't pretty but I got it done.

Supposed to rain starting tomorrow and lasting till Saturday. I needed to get everything off the driveway and packed into the garage before the rain. Not much room to move around.

The major reconstruction inside the house is done until the new kitchen cabinets arrive towards the end of the month. Going forward I am going to try alternating working a day in the house and then a day in the garage. Current house project is installing laminate flooring and finishing up some drywall repair. Next projects in the garage are to run wiring for the machines and get the lathe bolted down and leveled on its bench.

It's getting there. Slowly.
My current garage layout is on the left. Proposed is on the right. There is an existing wood deck along the back of the garage. Current plan is to use the deck as the floor for an extension off the garage to create a larger shop/storage area. What I call the dirty area. Radial arm saw and grinders etc will go in the extension. I am thinking about taking the mill/drill off of its stand and mounting it on the work bench by the lathe. That work bench runs from the lathe to the back of the garage. The bench top from my previous lathe stand sits on top of the bench. Would have to make something similar for the mill/drill to sit on. Will also move the roll up door at the back of the garage to the back of the extension. My 66 MG Midget goes in the open area at the front of the garage. Also need to figure out where to put the small table saw that I recently acquired. Probably have to put it on wheels like everything else.

Was able to spend a good portion of the day in the garage. Did some general sorting and organizing, ran some more electrical and got the lathe bolted down. Initial checks indicate that while the bed tilts back to front and the headstock is higher than the tailstock, there does not appear to be any twist in the bed. I might even be able to use it one of these days.