I am sorta in my new place. Moving last week in the rain was not fun. Most of my stuff went in a POD that will get delivered when I am ready for it. Only kept out what wouldn't fit in the POD and what I needed to get the new place in shape. Even with that it took 5 trips to the old house to move. Long days. Drive 3 1/2 hours. Load up until my truck and trailer were full and drive 3/12 hours back to the new place. Unload.
On top of the move my computer crashed. Could not start the reset process until Friday after I got internet installed. Lucky that I store all of my personal files on a memory stick. Lost everything on the hard drive. That is probably a good thing because it got rid of hundreds of bookmarks that I never use and cleaned up unneeded junk on the hard drive.
The first shed if you can call it that is an extension to the garage. There is an existing wood deck that extends 10' back from the garage. It is well made and solid. I will add walls and a roof. This will mostly be used for storage. The radial arm saw along with the bench grinder and belt sander will go into the extension. To keep the dirty stuff as I call it away from the lathe and mill/drill. There are well made work benches that line one wall of the garage. The lathe will go on one of the work benches. My lathe stand without the risers for the legs fits under the work bench.
It will come together. Have to get the house redone first before much work can get done in the garage/shop.