In progress burglary

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Chicago is a Utopia dude. Lol. My brother lived up there for about ten years. He says he’ll never come back to the sticks. Ha!

I’ve been up there twice already this year. Everyone is polite and courteous. Everyone is smiling. Now I did see one guy on a motorcycle chasing down an SUV and cussing out the driver. So it’s not all good. Lol And I’m sure porch pirating is a much bigger problem there.

But it’s nothing like the news would have you believe. Granted, I didn’t go to South Chicago, which rumor has it, is a bit less smiling happy people everywhere.

I’ve known people from Joliet, and Rockford and they were a little on the rougher side. But certainly not maniacs looking to destroy things. Just less inclined to be nice for no reason.
I have family that moved back from Illinois 9 months ago and If If you really believe that Then please stay there and don't move here, you won't be happy.
I’m not moving anywhere. I like where I live too. Population 9000. Haha

And it’s about the same as you describe for your place. Very little crime. No porch pirates. Everybody has guns and engages in rounds of homicidal ideation on a regular basis. Obviously ONLY for self defense.

It could be a lot different living in Chicago, than just visiting. But it’s an awesome place for a weekend getaway!

I suggest you take a trip up there yourself. Then you will have real world experience about this thing you’re so sure about. Go to Navy Pier, the free zoo, Shedd Aquarium, and the Museum of Natural History. You’ll love it. Stay off the subway. It’s nasty. Lol

Several years back, I ended up stuck in the middle of the night in Chicago with no shelter. I walked down an unlit street with my suitcase and backpack, to a 24 hour restaurant in Greek town. I passed a few homeless dudes sleeping on the sidewalk. The characters that came to that restaurant were so funny. Really wild by comparison to anything you see out here in the boondocks. And in the morning, I walked back the same way. I’m still alive. It’s fine really. Lol
28 square miles and 4800 people. I'm sure there are people here who have less than 100 in their town.

If you don’t want to watch, I’ll spoil it for you. 100 percent of wallets dropped in Chicago were returned.

If you don’t want to watch, I’ll spoil it for you. 100 percent of wallets dropped in Chicago were returned.
Now that's something I wouldn't expect from anywhere.
There is good and bad every where. Parts of Ohio are competing with parts of Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and are serious competitors.
I have been to Chicago, been quite a while though.
There was training facilities and just about every machine tool manufacturers offices there.
I live in a village of about 2000-2500, I think that's a big contributor, distance from major urban areas is as well.
I'm sorry to say but the staff at Chicago airport are the rudest I have ever had the misfortune to meet. Worse than China and thats saying something.
Crime in California has really gotten out of hand. Proposition 47, the "Safe Neighborhood and School Act" (coined by our VP Kamala), resulted in far fewer crooks going to jail. So much so, that the prison system went from over crowded, to the state closing several prisons since. At the same time, liberal DA's in the Bay Area and So Calif, created an environment where non violent crimes are rarely prosecuted. Last I heard, there are 13,000 unprosecuted cases open in LA County. On top of this, drug fueled homelessness is spiking out of control. There are 46,000 homeless people in Los Angeles city alone.
Chicago is a Utopia dude. Lol. My brother lived up there for about ten years. He says he’ll never come back to the sticks. Ha!

I’ve been up there twice already this year. Everyone is polite and courteous. Everyone is smiling. Now I did see one guy on a motorcycle chasing down an SUV and cussing out the driver. So it’s not all good. Lol And I’m sure porch pirating is a much bigger problem there.

But it’s nothing like the news would have you believe. Granted, I didn’t go to South Chicago, which rumor has it, is a bit less smiling happy people everywhere.

I’ve known people from Joliet, and Rockford and they were a little on the rougher side. But certainly not maniacs looking to destroy things. Just less inclined to be nice for no reason.
I don’t even know where to start. I’ve lived in a southern suburb bordering chicago my whole life. I’m 46 and I and everyone else that lives here can tell you it has changed and for the worst!
Yes most of the people here are great,courteous, and respectful. But the percentage of people that don’t care would steal if you’re not looking or had the opportunity. Or carjack you throw their McDonald’s bag out the window with the kids in the back seat not buckled in. Or drive down the center turn lane at twice the speed because everyone else is going to slow for them. Or go carjack someone killing them then use the car to either joyride around doing burnouts in the intersections or use it to smash in a small business and steal all the merch.
You might have heard july4 weekend. It was terrible 119 shot 20 something killed in 4 days! Unfortunately we have shooting and death counts every Monday morning. It’s between 20-40 people shot EVERY WEEKEND!
This is just the tip of the Iceberg someone had posted a video on returning wallets. My mother in law was going to the grocery store. Parks and is getting her coupons in order along with her purse and wallet. Well apparently she left the wallet on her lap so when she got out of the car it fell on the ground without her noticing. She went shopping got to the register and realize she didn’t have her wallet and immediately went back to her car. No wallet anywhere and by the time she got home which was maybe ten minutes. Someone had tried withdrawing cash advances on all her card. Has all her info it’s a nightmare.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed but it seems some parts of society are in a downward spiral.
As for someone walking in on an intruder. You don’t know what the intruder’s intentions are. He can also have a weapon and more than willing to kill or stop anyone from stopping them. Remember they’re breaking in someone else’s house so I don’t think they care about you or rules. You say you’d run well what happens when your taking a nice mid day nap. Your wife is doing some pruning in the garden. Al of a sudden you get woken up to a scream and standing in front of you is a guy holding you wife with a knife to her neck demanding all the money and your car keys. How are you gonna gather your kids and wife and leave the situation?
Believe me I do NOT what to ever use a weapon to take someone’s life. BUT if you endanger the life of mine or my family it’s on. And yes I might look back and regret it in some way. But it would be unimaginable if their was something I could do to prevent it but I ran.
Their needs to be consequences for your actions period. Wanna do the crime be willing to pay the time. We’ve gotten away from that which promotes bad results. We are reminded every day on the news. Some just like to make excuses for it.
I live in an area where almost everyone leaves their doors unlocked and if you set something down it will be there when you come back to it ....even if it's months later.
Everyone owns guns, everyone teaches their family gun use and safety. It is a tool just like an end mill or a screwdriver.
Crime is extremely low.
When someone understands that their choice could end their life they tend to think about their choices a little more.
when people live in a place where there are no repercussions for their actions ....well, look at Chicago and most of the west coast.
Just leave your keys and wallet by the front door, it will be ok
In the 90's for 9 months, I lived in a little village just outside Cheltenham. Typical UK rural village mix of a couple of honkin' great houses with very rich UMC people in them (and one with a rather vulgar nouveux riche couple living in it, think of Boycie and Marlene from Only Fools and Horses :grin:) a few farmers, bog-standard WC/LMC people who worked in Cheltenham or Gloucester and a smallish council estate (Project housing to you guys in the US) with some genuinely poor people living there.

People did leave their doors unlocked at times but not always and eh, a locked standard wooden household exterior is not much of a barrier to a determined criminal.

The only guns were a few shotties and .22 rimmies owned by farmers (maybe the odd .222 centrefire for foxes), probably a few very expensive shotguns in the rich people's houses (pointlessly expensive in my opinion, shotguns are about as simple a firearm as it's possible to make, and Turkish Hatsans costing about £300 back then, were perfectly usable, comfy guns to shoot), shotties in the hands of a handful of members of the local clay club and my ugly but nicely fettled CZ .22 rimmie and my aforementioned Hatsan 12 ga.

All of the above firearms will have been stored when not in use or being maintained, as required by UK law, in locked gun safes/shotgun cabinets (UK law requires proper gun safes for section 1 firearms, but any old reasonably sturdy lockable cupboard will do for a section 3 shottie; UK law is a bit odd in places), so not easily accessible.

Crime was extremely low. ;)

Correlation isn't causation and sometimes, even what seem like obvious correlations can be false ones. ;)
It’s between 20-40 people shot EVERY WEEKEND!
Hmmm...I rather hate to be the stereotypical UK (or European for that matter) commentator here, and as a former legal firearms owner, I'm hardly anti-guns but maybe, just maybe...

...the extremely easy accessibility to firearms, particularly handguns, in the US might be thought about here?

Look, it's your country not mine and you guys do you, and yeah, it still angers me that UK Olympics pistol shooters (even the .22 rimfire guys for Pete's sake!) have to go abroad to train, such are our knee-jerk driven handgun laws (due to the Dunblane massacre), so I'm not in the business of wanting anybody's legally held, legally used, recreational firearms taken from them.

But if buying a 9mm handgun is as easy as getting a driving licence, and as cheap as a low/mid-range smartphone, then you're going to have an awful lot of guns floating around and that makes it an awful lot easier for criminals to get hold of them.

Sure, some UK organised crime gang have guns, but they're not particularly easy to replace (and once those firearms are used, these gangs tend to avoid using them again if they can, sometimes even dumping or destroying them), so they're often used sparingly and seen as the valuable assets they are.

but it seems some parts of society are in a downward spiral.

Hmmm...can you hear that?

That's the sound of the truly rich and powerful, the people you've never even heard of, the people who have contempt at the idea of constraining their behaviour because of some law or other, and who have, not just individual politicians, but the entire State in their pockets guffawing at another example of us who really don't have any power (and probably never will, the revolutionary cavalry ain't coming over the hill any time soon; capitalism has won all the strategic conflicts it has fought so far and trounced the opposition; both for good and ill) being divided and thus us suckered (including me ;) ) always are :grin:
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