In progress burglary

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I will however, somewhat ashamedly, admit to your words being a bit of a (pleasant) surprise.

I suppose here in the UK we get a generalised picture of the majority of US citizens (those who aren't city-dwelling 'progressives' at least) being quite happy with the idea of using lethal force to defend property, never mind person (the latter being a generally accepted practice in most places in the world).

I suspect a lot of US people think most UK citizens are suckered socialist state slaves and happy with it, so I guess we're all even. :)
The thing is that the majority of Americans ARE city dwelling. Lol

We aren’t all bloodthirsty. In fact, we’re mostly a nice bunch. But there’s been some struggles ever since the beginning. And mayhem gets clicks.

I hope the OP gets some sort of relief by way of filling that report. But don’t corner anyone ever again please. Unless they’ve got your kid or your wife, leave immediately, and call for help from a safe location. It ain’t worth it man. You only get one life.
Did you get any photos of the perp?
Was the perp a juvenile or adult?

Your story takes the old adage "911 = Dial-a-Prayer" to a new level.

I have a couple similar stories (Los Angeles PD) but that's not really surprising in LA anymore.
My cousins were the victims of a home invasion. One of the guys took my young cousin into the back bedroom, raped her and killed her while his partner held everyone at gunpoint. Everyone of the victims were "cooperating and hoping not to be injured"....

Anyone I catch in my house or attempts to force their way in to my house when I am home forfeits the assumption that they mean ME or anyone in my house, no harm... period. What I do after there's a breach in my security is my judgement call.

The idea that you don't want to take another human being's life to protect property is a slippery slope. You don't know an intruder's intentions, and if you always assume that if you cooperate, no one will be hurt then you risk your life on that assumption. The whole idea of the right to bear arms is that human beings have the right to be their own first line of protection of their life.

Inside my home, I am the police, in that I must decide the level of threat I am under and decide the appropriate response
I don’t think anybody said anything about cooperating with an intruder. The advice was LEAVE, and call the authorities.

But your advise is sound. Never cooperate if you’re captured. Fight til you’re dead.

But since this thread is about a burglary, you’ve just changed the parameters in order to “make a point”. Go ahead and blast away partner. Kill! Kill!! Kill!!

I had a guy try to take my car once. I’m extremely happy with my decision not to kill him. Do what you want though Officer Living Room.
This is California, crime has been legal here thanks to proposition measures that have a title that sounds good, but does bad things.

Cops hands are tied, Target was to be fined for calling cops too many times for shoplifters.

Prop 36 should help...

Depending on location, land line calls go to PD or SO offices, cell calls go to CHP.

CHP usually transfers to local law unless they are nearby.

but given the state of the justice system in CA, theft like crimes are low priority.

If you think you saw a weapon on the other hand...

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I don’t think anybody said anything about cooperating with an intruder. The advice was LEAVE, and call the authorities.

But your advise is sound. Never cooperate if you’re captured. Fight til you’re dead.

But since this thread is about a burglary, you’ve just changed the parameters in order to “make a point”. Go ahead and blast away partner. Kill! Kill!! Kill!!

I had a guy try to take my car once. I’m extremely happy with my decision not to kill him. Do what you want though Officer Living Room.
I suppose you intentionally missed my point, so I'll try and be more clear. I make the decision if my home is broken into as to what level of threat I perceive, and I act accordingly. The right to be armed gives me an advantage to defend myself. Dialing 911 is not an effective defense if you are in immanent danger.

"fight til your dead" , The point of being an law abiding, legally armed citizen is that your not automatically a disarmed, helpless victim without a chance to defend your life. I know my home layout, I have a baseball bat behind the door in my bedroom and other potential items that could help me defend myself in a home invasion/ burglary. That's my security plan.... What's your plan? Dial 911? The cops will hang some pretty yellow tape around the crime scene and hopefully your cousin or your wife/daughter/son/yourself won't be just a chalk mark on the ground inside that tape.

BTW, I'm not a cowboy, partner. I'm a native New Yorker. I only Kill, Kill, Kill to defend myself if necessary, or to hunt legally during hunting season, so spare us all the MSNBC hyperbole.

I'm not sure what some jackass who shot and killed a woman who was lost and mistakenly turned into his driveway has to do with a coming home and finding your house broken into and the burglar/s on the premises, but it's probably part of the derangement syndrome that is so popular today...
Fortunately our ‘shall not be infringed’ birthrights are leaning back to actually not being infringed. Very rarely have I had to even think about needing to use those rights but nothing like the bad guy realizing he’s up against someone armed.
A couple of years ago 2 a**holes tried to break into my house and car.
I called 000 but they heard me an ran sauntered off.
I told the police I had full face videos of them would they like them.
The answer was "I suppose you can send them to us if you want" I did but heard nothing after that.
I found out later when I showed the video around that they were known by all the shops in the area as repeat constant offenders.
They had a string of arrests and always let out on bail to continue their tirades.
I suppose you intentionally missed my point, so I'll try and be more clear. I make the decision if my home is broken into as to what level of threat I perceive, and I act accordingly. The right to be armed gives me an advantage to defend myself. Dialing 911 is not an effective defense if you are in immanent danger.
You’re exactly right that you decide the appropriate response based on a threat assessment. But this is about a burglary in progress. Is someone stealing from you “imminent danger”? It may become imminent danger if you decide to corner them. But it won’t be if you LEAVE.

You changed the parameters to make a tangential point. Which unfortunately is all too common from the talking heads on both sides. And whether or not you intend it, I read your words as coming from a place of fear.

Wasn’t Teddy Roosevelt from New York? You’d be hard pressed to find someone in his time that didn’t consider him a cowboy.

But silly as it sounds (and while we’re being silly), the term partner isn’t exclusive to the cowboy profession. Fighter pilots, card players, SWAT team members, cops, salespeople…and more, all have partners.

And lastly, I’m not scared to die. If it happens that a person ambushed me in my sleep with harmful intent…well that wouldn’t be a burglary would it? But also, there’s no gun in the world that’ll climb out of its drawer and into my hand before my sleeping a$$ is bludgeoned. And I’m not going to lose any sleep over that.
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