In progress burglary

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Spent most of my working life in law enforcement. know how to engage and shot straight.
6 Years military also.
Know my capabilities.
No kidding?! Well that’s great news then. Would you give that advice (kill them) to every civilian you ever encountered in your law enforcement career?
Did you have a lot of encounters with people who just automatically were able to make the kind of decisions you were trained to make?
Would you call it good advice to corner a burglar unarmed and try to hold him while you waited for the cops?
Did you always know what was gonna happen when you encountered a criminal, or was it more dependably unpredictable?
I’d love to hear your thoughts about what normal everyday untrained people should be doing when they encounter a burglar.
Do you think most people are capable of making split second life and death decisions with low information in the middle of the night?
I have a ton of questions about this.
You can’t specify the circumstances as every individual.
I agree not everyone is competent to own and use firearms BUT you do hear the stories of the eighty year old lady pulling out her 38 revolver and stopping an intruder or even shooting them. And that makes me smile her defending herself.
My mother 74 during the summer of love went through the TRAINING did the classes to get her CCL. After my father passing years earlier she realized she is her first line of defense. She/we shoot twice a month to keep her up on procedure and safety.
I have friends that I e brought to the range and within one shot can tell NO this is not for you. Unfortunately they will have to wait for 911 to respond. And yes you can be prepared and arm to the teeth and the plan you have does not come into play. But at least you have some sort of plan other than relying on someone that may not show when needed.
As for cornering an unarmed burglar while waiting for police. Depends when I walk in the garage and notice if I can reach my hidden piece yeah I’ll be nice enough to call him a ride. If I can’t get to the hidden piece then I’ll warn him that I hope he’s gone by the time I come back because I’m going to get my gun.
My last and final thought is ANYONE that RELYS on government for survival in this world or for anything is fighting with an arm tied behind their back. Just my opinion
I agree not everyone is competent to own and use firearms BUT you do hear the stories of the eighty year old lady pulling out her 38 revolver and stopping an intruder or even shooting them. And that makes me smile her defending herself.
It depends on where you are getting your information from. If you are listening to the NRA or other pro gun sources, you will ONLY hear about the good shootings, but you probably won't hear much about the other side of the coin. That also has a lot to do with our current tense climate in other areas, you only hear one side, and may be lead down a path that the media (whatever form) wants you to believe.

I try to get a balanced view, but admittedly, that is hard, because there is so much BS on top of what might be valid or totally made up.
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