In progress burglary

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20 years ago, I worked night shift, lived alone at the end of a dirt road out in the county. Around 2 am, my neighbor called me at work to tell me she thought someone was breaking in my house. I asked her to call 911, I did the same as I was leaving work to go to my house. When I got to my house, there was 4 Deputy Sheriff cars at the end of my road. They had my house surrounded, and the K9 sounded like it wanted to kill someone. The idiots had parked in my neighbors driveway, that had jarred her awake. So, they were 3 males in my house, caught in the act. The aftermath, broken windows where they got in, and tried to exit. Blood splatters everywhere where one gashed his head. The deputies were ecstatic - the 1st one on the scene said I was lucky, he lived nearby and happened to be home eating when the call came in. He said we never catch anyone in the act, that just made their night! District Attorney office wanted to be sure I'd testify so they could be prosecuted. Of course I would!
I wish I could say I had as good a result from the DA office as from the Deputies. I was awarded $1500 damages. I was assured that I'd receive the award, that the office would make sure of that. Months later when I contacted the office because of nonpayment, I was told "You'll never receive that money, and one was already back in jail". I was happy my homeowners covered it.
Most of the time around here they won’t even dispatch a deputy any longer for a property crime. People give up reporting anything cause nothing is ever done
My cousins were the victims of a home invasion. One of the guys took my young cousin into the back bedroom, raped her and killed her while his partner held everyone at gunpoint. Everyone of the victims were "cooperating and hoping not to be injured"....

Anyone I catch in my house or attempts to force their way in to my house when I am home forfeits the assumption that they mean ME or anyone in my house, no harm... period. What I do after there's a breach in my security is my judgement call.

The idea that you don't want to take another human being's life to protect property is a slippery slope. You don't know an intruder's intentions, and if you always assume that if you cooperate, no one will be hurt then you risk your life on that assumption. The whole idea of the right to bear arms is that human beings have the right to be their own first line of protection of their life.

Inside my home, I am the police, in that I must decide the level of threat I am under and decide the appropriate response
Given your experience, no one can be surprised, or blame you for your perspective, mate. (there's no emojii on this forum that stands for 'sad, but understanding agreement', so imagine there is one and it's here)

Obviously you're big, old and ugly enough to accept the responsibility for, and the consequences of your actions.

Were you to, in the heat of the moment, understandably, if not legally defensibly (although many of your states have laws that are pretty forgiving of actions ostensibly taken in self-defence, so you'd probably be fine) take the life of someone who was actually no threat to you, I suspect you'd hold your hands up and say "Fair does" and take the legal consequences with good grace. :encourage:

The idea that you don't want to take another human being's life to protect property is a slippery slope.
That's a fair point and you're right that working out someone else's intentions is very hard in a totally unpressurised scenario, and all but impossible for those that haven't been well trained in critical conflict scenarios like home invasions or interrupted burglaries. Even for those who have been trained but lack the 'training' that comes from solid relevant experience working with others who do have solid experience themselves, it's a hard, hard, hard thing to get right and often a bit of a coin-toss.

That's why very few in the UK who take a life, where self-defence can be reasonably argued, are prosecuted.

There are those few cases, like Tony Martin, who are prosecuted and convicted (and his sentencing was way too harsh in my opinion and incorrectly rested on the fact that the lad who was killed had partially turned away; something that can happen in a split second so may well not indicate Tony Martin intentionally shot the lad 'in the back') but those are a very small percentage.

The assumption in UK law, is that if an average (so, untrained) person might reasonably believe their life, or the life of other innocents is in danger, reasonable force can always be legally used to protect those lives. No one is expected to make fine judgements about risk or intention in the heat of such moments.

What is a reasonable belief of threat, and is reasonable force, ideally will depend entirely on the circumstance and the people involved. Certainly, reasonable force can absolutely include lethal force, and involve the use of legally held firearms*.

If Joe Blogs, who happens to shoots clays for recreation, and is say, a plumber with no experience of such situations, is the person who pulled the trigger on a someone who broke into their home carrying a hammer, then the Crown Prosecution service may well choose not to even pursue a conviction. Even if they do, the prosecuting barrister is going to have a very hard time of it.

If however, Jane Doe, a serving armed response unit copper takes her recreational 'muzzle loading' black powder revolver and shoots someone lying face down on the ground or fleeing their property, then their legal innocence will probably be tested in court and their defence will have to work pretty hard.

Okay, those are both scenarios that are more clearly cut and things aren't always so obvious, but UK law, despite what rags like the Daily Mail would have people believe, are pretty sensible (sentencing guidelines on the other hand, are probably less sensible and probably need some reform to the advantage of the person claiming self-defence) and generally do an okay job. Where the law in our modern complex world is concerned, that level of success is a pretty big win!

*In fact illegally possesed firearms wouldn't disbar a person from rightfully claiming self-defence, the lack of legality of the firearm posession would be irrelevant to the self-defence claim. Obviously, they'd be prosecuted for the illegal firearms possession and would probably be convicted for that.
I don’t think anybody said anything about cooperating with an intruder. The advice was LEAVE, and call the authorities.

But your advise is sound. Never cooperate if you’re captured. Fight til you’re dead.

But since this thread is about a burglary, you’ve just changed the parameters in order to “make a point”. Go ahead and blast away partner. Kill! Kill!! Kill!!

I had a guy try to take my car once. I’m extremely happy with my decision not to kill him. Do what you want though Officer Living Room.
I am not leaving my home for anyone and if they break in they probably aren't going to either.
I work in areas ( East Cleveland, Youngstown, Euclid, Central) where the population has no respect for life and have witnessed it first hand multiple times.
I pray I don't have to use my weapon but I will as required.
Sad part is even in the worst areas most of the population is relatively peaceful and afraid to leave their home after coming home from work.
At the risk of beating a dead horse, how folks defend themselves is a personal decision. From hindsight, @jwmay appears to me to be responding that the thief intended only to take the property and not cause harm - I don't mean to put words in his mouth. California law has the felony murder rule, which says if a person commits certain violent felonies and someone dies - even a co-conspirator, the person can be charged with murder. Burglary is one of the seven - I think it's seven - felonies where this rule applies. The elected DAs in CA vary from soft on crime to near zero tolerance - probably true everywhere.

I'm not making excuses for police response to calls for service and response times, but the obvious reasons are staffing and the number of calls. When you couple this with DAs who refuse to prosecute certain laws and the legislature tying the hands of officers, making them personally liable and prosecuting them for enforcing the law, the quality of service suffers, and the citizens are victimized—again. I could go on, but would only get more ****** off. I F-ing hate criminals.
Sadly I’m definitely beating a dead horse. Lol
am not leaving my home for anyone and if they break in they probably aren't going to either.
Obviously that’s up to you. MY stuff isn’t worth it. If you think YOUR stuff is, then have at it.

Sad part is even in the worst areas most of the population is relatively peaceful
I happen to think that’s a good thing. Most of the population is relatively peaceful. Let’s keep that in mind while we puff our chests about mortal combat over home goods and tools.

How do guys justify it? I mean I really don’t think you think your tv is worth killing for. So what is it exactly? What makes you so easily plan to kill over “stuff”? And let’s be clear, you absolutely said through innuendo that you would kill ANY intruder. So that’s a plan to kill. Forethought. Premeditation. Praying you won’t have to is irrelevant. You’ve already said you would purposefully act in such a way to increase the likelihood of being in a standoff. Because you’re not leaving for anyone.

Seriously guys, I’m not curing cancer or solving world hunger. Everybody dies. I mean I bet most of you don’t even wear your seatbelts. Lol

Somebody said something about having a baseball bat behind the door. How certain are you that it won’t be taken from you and used on your own hard head? lol Maybe you’re a big strong guy..I don’t know. But I’ve had my ass handed to me enough times to know, there’s no such thing as a sure thing. Now’s the time for another piece of really good advice; Never close the distance. We’ve all seen strong men fall. Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg 2016 comes to mind.
Me at 2 am in deep sleep? An orangutan could push a wall over and I wouldn’t know it. Now if I pretend I did wake up in time to be aware of the intrusion, I’m calling the cops as I collect my loved ones and leave out a different exit. That’s not cowardice. It’s smart. And frankly I could give a rats wet bottom if somebody wanted to call me a coward. At least I’d be alive.

As Mike Tyson famously said , “Everybody has a plan, til they get punched in the mouth.”

Remove yourself from the situation.
Call the authorities.
Live a long life.
Or don’t.
Me at 2 am in deep sleep? An orangutan could push a wall over and I wouldn’t know it. Now if I pretend I did wake up in time to be aware of the intrusion, I’m calling the cops as I collect my loved ones and leave out a different exit. That’s not cowardice. It’s smart. And frankly I could give a rats wet bottom if somebody wanted to call me a coward. At least I’d be alive.
Imagine shooting your own kid. It's happened a few times. A groggy home owner wakes up and thinks theres a criminal in their house and shoots the perp, only to find out that their kid snuck out and came back, and that their kid was hungry and raided the fridge in the middle of the night.

I remember reading about these 2 situations in the newspaper long ago and thought their fear turned into their new torment. I would want to end my life if I killed my kid after mistakenly killing them. I'm not sure I could ever recover from that.
I live in an area where almost everyone leaves their doors unlocked and if you set something down it will be there when you come back to it ....even if it's months later.
Everyone owns guns, everyone teaches their family gun use and safety. It is a tool just like an end mill or a screwdriver.
Crime is extremely low.
When someone understands that their choice could end their life they tend to think about their choices a little more.
when people live in a place where there are no repercussions for their actions ....well, look at Chicago and most of the west coast.
Just leave your keys and wallet by the front door, it will be ok
Chicago is a Utopia dude. Lol. My brother lived up there for about ten years. He says he’ll never come back to the sticks. Ha!

I’ve been up there twice already this year. Everyone is polite and courteous. Everyone is smiling. Now I did see one guy on a motorcycle chasing down an SUV and cussing out the driver. So it’s not all good. Lol And I’m sure porch pirating is a much bigger problem there.

But it’s nothing like the news would have you believe. Granted, I didn’t go to South Chicago, which rumor has it, is a bit less smiling happy people everywhere.

I’ve known people from Joliet, and Rockford and they were a little on the rougher side. But certainly not maniacs looking to destroy things. Just less inclined to be nice for no reason.
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