In progress burglary

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I totally lost it with the sheriff dispatcher today. Came home and interrupted a burglary in progress. What would a normal person do? Call 911. The dispatcher chewed me out and told me 911 was only for emergencies. And how dare I call 911 for a burglary in progress. I am left totally in dis belief. When in what world is a crime in progress not a 911 call? The number she gave me wasn’t even working. We had the prep cornered and an hour and a half later the sheriff deputy showed up after the neighbor called. Of course the perp is long gone. Only in California. I am done. Ccw here I come. When you have to face a burglar and 911 blows you off. What are we coming to? I give up.
You're in Cali, so I wouldn't advise hitting yourself with something as evidense of a struggle, then thoroughly beating the brakes off of the perp until he was too broken to try and leave, and wait for the police to eventually show up and haul him off.

Because you would probably get arrested for that in Cali.
I totally lost it with the sheriff dispatcher today. Came home and interrupted a burglary in progress. What would a normal person do? Call 911. The dispatcher chewed me out and told me 911 was only for emergencies. And how dare I call 911 for a burglary in progress. I am left totally in dis belief. When in what world is a crime in progress not a 911 call? The number she gave me wasn’t even working. We had the prep cornered and an hour and a half later the sheriff deputy showed up after the neighbor called. Of course the perp is long gone. Only in California. I am done. Ccw here I come. When you have to face a burglar and 911 blows you off. What are we coming to? I give up.
You need to take that to the press, and to the local town administration. That person needs to be fired. Those tapes need to be played. Some house cleaning needs to go on. That is not an indictment of the system, that was a lone a** hole being a dick.
I hope you will be able to get your CCW. Here in Los Angeles that would not be possible to get. Best of luck.

Cutting oil is my blood.
We had the prep cornered
This is the point where those zip ties in the shop come in real handy... They'll hold two wrists and an ankle together for as long as it takes. Use your Dirty Harry persuasion to make him put the restraints on himself from a safe distance while you tell Alexa or Siri to call the popo.

The trick to getting the response you want is telling the dispatcher you are armed, or you think he is. Otherwise, the no blood/no foul rule applies, and it becomes a service call.
So, people who live in places the cops don’t want to go (think inner city minority neighborhoods) have had this problem for decades.

What they do is report a fire. Fire department always rolls and sheriff or local police come pretty quick too.

Sorry this happened to you, don’t put your life in danger for any kind of property. And, for sure don’t shoot anyone over it.

And, for sure don’t shoot anyone over it.
I was going to make some kind of joke about the above quote but then, given the nature of this thread and also the even-handed voice whispering in my head "stereotyping any person, wherever they come from is wrong" made me forbear.

I will however, somewhat ashamedly, admit to your words being a bit of a (pleasant) surprise.

I suppose here in the UK we get a generalised picture of the majority of US citizens (those who aren't city-dwelling 'progressives' at least) being quite happy with the idea of using lethal force to defend property, never mind person (the latter being a generally accepted practice in most places in the world).

I suspect a lot of US people think most UK citizens are suckered socialist state slaves and happy with it, so I guess we're all even. :)
To be clear, when you called 911 the burglars were still on your property? I'm guessing the burglars used a car/truck to get onto your property? Did they do any damage or actually make off with anything?

Yes, I think that reaction from 911 warrants some followup. If it was here, I'd start by requesting a meeting with the (elected) sheriff to discuss it, with a copy of the report from the deputy sheriff in hand. Point out that situation could have quite easily played out much worse. Ideally the Sheriff would take care of it personally even if it wasn't handled publicly.

In Indiana the Sheriff's office has a perfunctory sign-off on CCWs. Don't know CA procedure but it is probably worthwhile for the local sheriff to know your reasoning. From my experience most police are supportive of documented and law abiding CCW, and that you are part of the local volunteer fire dept (iirc) shows that you have a community mindset that would support your case of being a good citizen.
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Saw an article recently that Target in Cali was in trouble with the police department for "bothering" them over robbery. So perhaps it's more widespread than that.

There's a lot of messed up crap going on. Good luck to the few good people left in Cali.
Up date. I filed a complaint with Sacramento Sheriff office and with the The county Supervisor for this area. The good thing is he didn’t go in garage where the shop is. It is amazing the difference between Sutter county where the farm is and Sacramento county where the house is. In 2013 we were having problems with walnut theft. The Sutter county deputy cited 7 people in a week and a half and the DA prosecuted all of them. 2014 it dropped to 4 and 2015 it was only one. No problems after that. In Sacramento county 20 minutes away by car. The house has been broken into 4 times in 5 years. Each time a community resource person will take a report several days lates. The locked mail box has been forced open three time. You can go on line and file a report. Nothing ever is done, so it just keeps getting worse. They still won’t do anything with all the homeless camps. Night and day difference between a rural county and a city. Thanks for letting me vent. I will probably move back to the farm. I am sick of problem people.
Ttabbal. I don’t want to go off on a political tirade It has always been the case if a business has too many calls for service even if justified Sacramento City will bill the business or shut it down. Usually this would apply to bars or night clubs.
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