In progress burglary

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You say you’d run well what happens when your taking a nice mid day nap. Your wife is doing some pruning in the garden. Al of a sudden you get woken up to a scream and standing in front of you is a guy holding you wife with a knife to her neck demanding all the money and your car keys. How are you gonna gather your kids and wife and leave the situation?
Sorry about your experience as a citizen of South Chicago. Which, as I mentioned, isn’t regarded as quite the paradise as Chicago proper. And I did say living there might be different than visiting.
But your hypothetical is just another example of changing the parameters. We are talking about finding a guy in your garage who is definitely trying to steal property from you while you are evidently unarmed. And my advice is the safest advice for such a situation. If you study any professional self defense instructors, putting distance between you and the assailant is always the first and best option.
In your scenario, I’d give over the money and keys, and engage him physically as best I could to protect myself and my wife. I couldnt very well shoot at him while he’s controlling my wife anyhow. I may die. And I’m also totally ok with that. The odds are in my favor that I will never face such a catastrophically bad situation. But we all die someday. And I guess if that eventuality were to occur, then that might be my day. What’s to be afraid of?
What happens if a drunk driver in a trash truck mounts a semiautomatic rifle to his dash and starts mowing down anybody he thinks watches msnbc? Lol. We can come up with a million scenarios where a gun might save your life. And I’m not even saying anything against guns or gun ownership. I’m simply saying removing yourself from the particular situation that started this thread is the best option. And cornering people is a universally bad idea.
That time when the dude tried to take my car, I was standing in a pit of pea gravel with concrete chunks in it, wearing flip flops. Lol. I backed away (out of the pit) slowly and yelled to my wife to call the police. He ran away. But that could have gone differently in a thousand ways. It wasn’t my time yet I guess.
You’re exactly right that you decide the appropriate response based on a threat assessment. But this is about a burglary in progress. Is someone stealing from you “imminent danger”? It may become imminent danger if you decide to corner them. But it won’t be if you LEAVE.

You changed the parameters to make a tangential point. Which unfortunately is all too common from the talking heads on both sides. And whether or not you intend it, I read your words as coming from a place of fear.

Wasn’t Teddy Roosevelt from New York? You’d be hard pressed to find someone in his time that didn’t consider him a cowboy.

But silly as it sounds (and while we’re being silly), the term partner isn’t exclusive to the cowboy profession. Fighter pilots, card players, SWAT team members, cops, salespeople…and more, all have partners.

And lastly, I’m not scared to die. If it happens that a person ambushed me in my sleep with harmful intent…well that wouldn’t be a burglary would it? But also, there’s no gun in the world that’ll climb out of its drawer and into my hand before my sleeping a$$ is bludgeoned. And I’m not going to lose any sleep over that.
In my state ,Colorado, you have no duty to retreat from your home. You enter my home uninvited ( criminally) on 2 legs you are carried out with 4 or more legs. I have worked a life time to get what I have and no I can't replace it at my age (77) and my extensive health issues .
Glad I left Illinois over 45 years ago.
Can’t replace your life either Ron. But you do you. Good luck being faster on the draw than a 20 year old healthy shooter.
I totally lost it with the sheriff dispatcher today. Came home and interrupted a burglary in progress. What would a normal person do? Call 911. The dispatcher chewed me out and told me 911 was only for emergencies. And how dare I call 911 for a burglary in progress. I am left totally in dis belief. When in what world is a crime in progress not a 911 call? The number she gave me wasn’t even working. We had the prep cornered and an hour and a half later the sheriff deputy showed up after the neighbor called. Of course the perp is long gone. Only in California. I am done. Ccw here I come. When you have to face a burglar and 911 blows you off. What are we coming to? I give up.
My understanding is a CCW is near impossible to obtain in California???

My impression of law enforcement when my car was broken into in San Francisco is they are there to record the crimes for insurance purposes... not actually do anything about it.
I own firearms for self defense and recreation but there is only one deterrent I trust my life to:

Piper and Michael.jpg

She knows the difference between friend or foe with a single sniff and never mistakes a family member as an intruder no matter how tired and out of it I am.
My understanding is a CCW is near impossible to obtain in California???

My impression of law enforcement when my car was broken into in San Francisco is they are there to record the crimes for insurance purposes... not actually do anything about it.
True just for insurance
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