Grinders for HSS

I've looked at that for a bit. Not the reviews, as honestly this site is in the majority of web sites in this department, so I can't boycott 'em as there'd be zero options for too many things.... But I don't read their reviews. They most typically don't match my experiences. NOT SAYING that Grizzly isn't a valid source for entry level (or better sometimes) stuff, just that I won't even poison my brain by looking at their reviews, or the plethora of youtube reviews that's out there for most of their stuff...

So, studying that, I see a couple of things. First, I don't see a way to set up a "nose wheel" to grind on. I'm honestly not sure just how big of a deal that is, but I see several other belt grinders that offer it. The second thing I see (and fair enough....), it's gonna need a platten on the table for grinding most HSS bits. Not a big deal. The third thing I see, is it has the "NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE" disclaimer in the description. I'm not sure what the life span is going to be. In hobby use, which isn't commercial... It might go forever. Maybe they mean it's got a duty cycle, which won't bother 99 percent of us. Or maybe it's got (crap) castings and (crap) bearings throughout, and the speed controller has electronics designed for a 50 running hour service life.... I dunno, but that disclaier on a Grizzly tool bothers me. Not that it won't work, but that disclaimer says to me "Harbor Freight is gonna have a red version that's no worse in it's "building" price point, but half price in it's sales price point in another year or less....

With pessimism out of the way, I'm entertained by that. It's got a good footprint, but I'd have to get rid of two grinders (Well, one. The other is useless). I am NOT making room for another one. It would have to replace one regularly used one though. Could be any, but which one?..... At that price point, it's honestly something I gamble on. From what I can squeeze out of what little (very little) information I can find on it, including the web site, I suspect that it's "knife grinder" status, vs "belt grinder" status probably puts it into the "very light duty" category. I have not seen one "tortured" on youtube yet, to see what it'll do or how much it flexes, bends, etc. It might be out there, but I haven't found it.

All fair points, but for some context Jet sells a 2x42 / 8" belt / disc sander for about $700. Some here are using the Jet and it requires modification to be satisfactory for grinding lathe toolong..

The format and price are what I find attractive as it is a dedicated variable speed belt grinder not a combo belt / disk or wheel sander with a belt conversion.

I'm not trying to push this one, I mean I'm probably not buying one, but at that price it is kind of unique. I also look forward to the HF version where I can actually put my paws on one. ;)
I've looked at that for a bit. Not the reviews, as honestly this site is in the majority of web sites in this department, so I can't boycott 'em as there'd be zero options for too many things.... But I don't read their reviews. They most typically don't match my experiences. NOT SAYING that Grizzly isn't a valid source for entry level (or better sometimes) stuff, just that I won't even poison my brain by looking at their reviews, or the plethora of youtube reviews that's out there for most of their stuff...
I hear you; on Amazon I usually ignore the 1 & 2 star reviews since most of them are complaining that "the picture shows two, but I only got one" or "the box was damaged" type of comment. Very few of the the reviews for the 2x42 on Grizzly had anything good to say, and most of the comments were from 7+ months ago when they first started selling it.

I did take a look at what was on YouTube (it's amazing that there are so many folks out there making videos that 1) don't know how to use tools and 2) have never seen an adjustable lever clamp). On the whole, the reviews were positive and made some good points on where improvements could be made – and showed what they had done. One guy even turned his into a light-duty 2 x 72!
So, studying that, I see a couple of things. First, I don't see a way to set up a "nose wheel" to grind on. I'm honestly not sure just how big of a deal that is, but I see several other belt grinders that offer it.
This guy mounted a small wheel adapter to his; and the low cost adapter sets are available on eBay. Most of the users take some of the belt guards off for one reason or another.

"NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE" disclaimer in the description. I'm not sure what the life span is going to be. In hobby use, which isn't commercial... It might go forever. Maybe they mean it's got a duty cycle, which won't bother 99 percent of us. Or maybe it's got (crap) castings and (crap) bearings throughout, and the speed controller has electronics designed for a 50 running hour service life.... I dunno, but that disclaier on a Grizzly tool bothers me. Not that it won't work, but that disclaimer says to me "Harbor Freight is gonna have a red version that's no worse in it's "building" price point, but half price in it's sales price point in another year or less....
There was one YT-er than got a mild shock, but he also have a rubber wheel mounted on it so it could have been stain (he said it was a tingle, and 120VAC does more than tingle); he said that there was a problem with early versions, but Grizzly told him his s/n was already fixed. One of the videos showed an added grounding wire between the motor & control box, but the factory fix should have replaced the motor power cord with one with an extra conductor (since everything is bolted together, they may have figured a separate round wasn't required, but there are parts that are painted then bolted to the frame).

I'm still considering it (have almost a month to make my mind up). Like a lot of tools/machines we invest in it will be a project, but for what I do in my shop it should outlast me (at 72 maybe that's not saying much?) and will fill the bench space between my HF 1x30 and 8" Grinder.
Just wanted to drop in and ask what kind of grinders are being used by you guys. Looking at a couple different ones but not sure what to look for in a dedicated HSS grinder. Would also like input on grinding wheels. Thanks
I have an 8" bench grinder with 1 fine and 1 course CBN wheels.
I bought a grizzly 2x48 belt sander with the intent of doing 1/4" and 3/8" HSS tooling plus other general grinding/sanding tasks.
Small shop so 2x72 footprint is more than I have space for. Just a rank amateur in the machining world but so far so good with the grizzly.
Purchased some upgraded components, two new tool rest arms, platten, platten mounts and tool rest from Contender Machine
Stock tool rest and arm on top.

Upgrades installed
I would go with a 2x72 and at least 2HP. I have 3HP, and it's great.
Long ago I had an Apex 16" disk grinder which was great for grinding hss tools.
Always ground cool and the machine and angle-setting of the table were absolutely rigid.

Today, in addition to the options of bench and t&c grinders my go-to machine is a Foley 311 belt/disk grinder essentially the same as shown here:

The Foley name is synonymous with sharpening and their machines were well-designed and I consider myself lucky to have found one at a local auction a couple years ago. Replaced a couple bearings, bought an assortment of disks & belts and it runs pretty much vibration-free.
Long ago I had an Apex 16" disk grinder which was great for grinding hss tools.
Always ground cool and the machine and angle-setting of the table were absolutely rigid.

Today, in addition to the options of bench and t&c grinders my go-to machine is a Foley 311 belt/disk grinder essentially the same as shown here:

The Foley name is synonymous with sharpening and their machines were well-designed and I consider myself lucky to have found one at a local auction a couple years ago. Replaced a couple bearings, bought an assortment of disks & belts and it runs pretty much vibration-free.
You’re right, a lot of these machines kind of bleed over to the knife making hobby. Which apparently has gotten pretty big
I bought a grizzly 2x48 belt sander with the intent of doing 1/4" and 3/8" HSS tooling plus other general grinding/sanding tasks.
Small shop so 2x72 footprint is more than I have space for. Just a rank amateur in the machining world but so far so good with the grizzly.
Purchased some upgraded components, two new tool rest arms, platten, platten mounts and tool rest from Contender Machine
Stock tool rest and arm on top.

View attachment 497581
Upgrades installed
View attachment 497582

I did a lot of research, decided on what mods I would make in the future, rearranged my grinder area and then mocked up the envelope required for the 2 x 42: I could make it fit in the available space, but in use would barely have space to stand between the table and the water heater, so I won’t be taking advantage of the sale price.
I did a lot of research, decided on what mods I would make in the future, rearranged my grinder area and then mocked up the envelope required for the 2 x 42: I could make it fit in the available space, but in use would barely have space to stand between the table and the water heater, so I won’t be taking advantage of the sale price
I don't have a static position for mine. It sits on the flood, gets shuffled around then onto a bench when needed. At some point the plan is to have it on a pedestal mounted to a wheeled platform so I can roll it around as opposed to carrying.