Estate Sale scores. And need to identify the Ames Indicator.

Can't be absolutely sure, but the "ring guage" looks like a specialty compass alidade as used on a Mk13 Sperry Fire Control compass. Similar or not all there I can't tell. But maybe a good start?
I'd venture to say there are more rods and other parts for this gauge. The plungers length can be changed for larger bores . I think there's also a separate assembly to allow this to be used in an up & down motion ,,, the square shoulders,,,, that would align the gauge to get the best readings or specs, the ring in pictures may be part of this assembly. With it mounted it should give very good readings on the bores Yes I still believe it's a bore gauge for cylinders.
Hi Middle.Road,

That brass ring with the degree markings on the perimeter and the flap with a piece of taught wire in the middle of the slot is called a pelorus and is used by mariners to navigate by. The ring fits ontop of a magnetic compass or gyro compass repeater located on a ships bridge top or bridge wing. It is used to take bearings with and can even be used to check the elevation of the sun, moon or stars. Make a search on your browser to find out more.

The manufacturers name and compass type should be written on the pelorus somewhere.

Polish the pelorus, mount it on a piece of wood and hang it on a wall. It will look seriously cool and will make a good conversation piece.

Here is a Starrett kit, as mentioned in some of that literature, made for automotive rebuilding jobs "back in the day". There is space under the tray holding the inside mikes for storing other tools, etc.

starrett kit 005.JPG

starrett kit 006.JPG

starrett kit 007.JPG

starrett kit 008.JPG

starrett kit 009.JPG