More on my non-working G-0619 mill. I called Grizzly and the guy was very pleasant and helpful. He suggested it may have just blown a fuse. He told me where it was and when I checked it, sure enough, the little one on the board was blown.
It is a small glass 20A fuse, not easy to find. I didn't find a 20A but I did find a 10A and gave it a try. What could go wrong, right?
I replaced the bad fuse, and when I turned on the mill power switch, it crackled and scary sparks flashed in the back.
I hate when they do that. There were no chips or anything in it. That part is sealed up pretty tight.
I turned it off and unplugged it PDQ and took a look. The fuse wasn't blown and I could see no char damage but I did smell some plastic smoke. After checking everything over, I gave it another try. This time it didn't spark or crackle and the LCD lit up as though everything was fine. But, when I pushed the start button, it just paused and then displayed a ERR message. That seems to be its only trick, now.
So, now on to plan B.
I'll call the Grizzly guy again tomorrow and probably have to order a new Motor PC Board with inverter – $294 plus $23 shipping. I forgot to ask how long it would take or if they had one in stock.