Mill Spindle Light

I've used those and yes, they work great, but you can also get the ones made for exterior uses and have the dome resin on them, and they're waterproof. I got mine from Reggie over at Tricplate:

It's a 70 OD and 60 ID.

I used one on my G0704.

SpindleLED_G0704 (1).JPG

SpindleLED_G0704 (2).JPG

SpindleLED_G0704 (3).JPG


SpindleLED_G0704 (1).JPG SpindleLED_G0704 (2).JPG SpindleLED_G0704 (3).JPG
It looks like it was made for it it seems no matter how much light you have on a mill there is always a dark spot somewhere.. Ray is the link for jameco white led's. Depending on the DC voltage, order appropriate resistor for current of 20ma. If you use a 12 volt DC supply, the resistor should be between 600 and 625 ohms. Size the wattage of the resistor such that P (power) = I (current) X E (Voltage) if you use 30 LED's, use (0.020 watts (20 ma) X 30) X 12 volts = 7.2 Watts -> round up to 10 watt 600 ohm resistor.
Hope this helps - make sure that the 10 watt resistor is elevated or is on some type of heat sink, otherwise use a 1/2 watt 600 ohm resistor for each led. :confused::confused::confused:
You can get those halo lights on Ebay for roughly $10. I've seen another guy do this on his mill and it's downright cool. Looks like a spaceship. :)
You can get those halo lights on Ebay for roughly $10. I've seen another guy do this on his mill and it's downright cool. Looks like a spaceship. :)

Do you mean the weather proof exterior style with the domed resin coating?

If so, I'd love a link as that was much cheaper than I paid.

Do you mean the weather proof exterior style with the domed resin coating?
If so, I'd love a link as that was much cheaper than I paid. Thanks, Dave

Well, that I don't know about but I guess not for the price. I don't remember if it was here or another forum where the guy had installed it on his mill and he loved it. If you search "halo light ring" on Ebay you'll see all the different kinds. I've also heard of guys using camping tent light rings. Check this link for more ideas, though he doesn't use it on a mill but you get the idea.
I have mine about half way done for the Harbor Frieght mini mill...

I have them all around the spindle and a bunch behind the spindle as well

I bought 100 LEDs from china for another project and had some left over. The prices on Ebay can't be beat.
Yes you can probably buy something similar and cheaper but there is the satifaction and knowledge of doing it your self. It was a learning project for me.
I'm gonna have to steal this idea. Beats trying to position a desk lamp correctly.