Tour of Hoarders Machine shop and Auctions coming up for the next year or 2

I watched the video when it first came on YouTube. I commented that I felt it wasn't very nice to call the guy a hoarder in the title of the video, even though he obviously was. they responded a day later that they did it to get more views, and the wife was ok with it. whatever. the guy had great taste in tools and by all accounts was a very nice guy and well respected in the neighborhood.
I watched the video when it first came on YouTube. I commented that I felt it wasn't very nice to call the guy a hoarder in the title of the video, even though he obviously was. they responded a day later that they did it to get more views, and the wife was ok with it. whatever. the guy had great taste in tools and by all accounts was a very nice guy and well respected in the neighborhood.
so you don't like it, even though he was a hoarder in your opinion.
I like the truth.. The guy may have been a great guy, but he was a hoarder.. truth.
He might even admit he was a hoarder. He didn't have a kitchen, it was full.. That's hoarding.
Call em like you see em, not with Rose colored glasses.
Amazing collection. I sold a very rare stainless steel jewelers press a couple years back to a fellow in Minnesota. Wonder if it was this guy,lol
so you don't like it, even though he was a hoarder in your opinion.
I like the truth.. The guy may have been a great guy, but he was a hoarder.. truth.
He might even admit he was a hoarder. He didn't have a kitchen, it was full.. That's hoarding.
Call em like you see em, not with Rose colored glasses.
obviously, I know he was a hoarder. if you were an ass and passed away, and I was a friend or family member I wouldn't put that in your obituary. out of respect.
so you don't like it, even though he was a hoarder in your opinion.
I like the truth.. The guy may have been a great guy, but he was a hoarder.. truth.
He might even admit he was a hoarder. He didn't have a kitchen, it was full.. That's hoarding.
Call em like you see em, not with Rose colored glasses.
We don't know that he didn't have a kitchen. His home may be next door and the videoed house was his shop, and that's the truth.
We don't know that he didn't have a kitchen. His home may be next door and the videoed house was his shop, and that's the truth.
Josh said it was his house, and he lived there. He said the bedroom and bathroom were void of machines


4 days ago
He lived there. Bedroom and bathroom upstairs. We didn't shoe them, but surprisingly clutter free.

he clearly meant shoot them not shoe them.
Josh said it was his house, and he lived there. He said the bedroom and bathroom were void of machines


4 days ago
He lived there. Bedroom and bathroom upstairs. We didn't shoe them, but surprisingly clutter free.

he clearly meant shoot them not shoe them.
I find it impossible to believe that his wife resided in that house. I find it very easy to believe that there was a bathroom and a place to sleep/change clothes in that house. The wife may have had a hobby room of her own up there. Where's the kitchen? Where's the washer and drier? Next door? Does anybody actually know a wife that resides, long term, in a house without a kitchen? Maybe they didn't actually reside together everyday (or at all). Maybe they were separated. Just can't be sure what their cohabitation situation was from what I've seen. Just because she is his widow is not proof that she actually resided in that house.

Maybe when you go pick-up your haul, you can get to the bottom of the controversy.
That's what I thought too. If you live there you need a kitchen at a minimum. There are a few things I would like to get, but they are already out of my price range. Somethings are going hot and heavy, and others that should go are cold.
When I saw that they listed a Criterion boring head as a single item lot, I said OMG. It's going to take them a very long time to empty that place.
Should we start a pool to guess the date the last auction item closes?

I wonder how the auction firm gets paid? Is it only from the % added to the winning bids or is there also a daily rate for organization and listing?
Hoarding is a real problem. It takes a lot of character to admit it as such and to do something effective about it.

I'd say, if you really love your close people, you'll have to put a limit on how much stuff to keep and strictly stick to it. Hoarders often justify themselves by claiming that getting rid of stuff is hard (like selling). It's not. Give away any excess. Or just throw it away, even. Just get rid of it, without excuses.

Next time you feel tempted to hoard again, you'll remember the money you lost, and that'll help you to stop it.