Tour of Hoarders Machine shop and Auctions coming up for the next year or 2

Most of the first auction seems to have brought pretty good prices for the widow. I’m curious how much extra attention they got because of Toppers machine and Tubalcains videos?

There was maybe less than 5 items that would have been on my afford list, if I was able to be there, or close enough to pickup in person. Now, most everything there would have been on my wish list if money and space to put it was not a problem for me.

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There were a few things I was interested in, but they quickly shot past my budget. If I was close by, I might have bid on the Hardinge horizontal. I’ll be curious to see if the prices remain high on the other auctions, or if the area gets saturated with the amount of items being sold.
Yep, I thought prices were nuts on most items. Good for the widow, I guess.

Proof that many get auction fever - keep bidding well past value.
For some reason they have now hid the sold prices.
For some reason they have now hid the sold prices.
I'm seeing more and more auction houses doing that these days. It's a shame, because it's nice to be able to get actual pricing data when trying to figure out what things are currently going for on the used market. Additionally, if you were going to auction your own collection, how can you compare auction houses if they don't show what they actually get for things? They all say they get top dollar, but they can't all be right.
I'm finding auction sites are moving to a subscription model to get this information. I logged on to a site to get information and saw one past auction results. After that I was invited to a subscription. They wanted $2000/year for a professional unlimited search. Umm, no thanks.

That just shafts ordinary people from researching data. A professional might be able to write it off as a business expense. Someone just trying to check FMV to prevent getting screwed on a deal is left out in the cold.