Touch Dro Fix For Igaging Absolute Dro Scales (i Hope)

Been awhile so I wanted to post a quick update.
Turns out the version 4.3 scales use the same data format as the 3.1 version scales just with a lower CPI count, around 2560 for v4.3 scales vs around 7640 for v3.1 scales.
The last hic-up is a jump in position at the Coarse track transition point where the binary output goes from a max value to a min value. Brian thinks it's just a matter of finding the correct Coarse & Mid track phase shift values to correct this issue.
Unfortunately, this requires a tedious trial and error method of changing the phase shift numbers and re-running the scales in order to find the correct numbers and due to tax season and other commitments, it has been slow going for me.
More to come.
We finally got the noise correction algorithm figured out. From the data we have managed to get, we have a decent idea of what the sign change values are for the 2 versions, v3.1 and v4.3. Basically, if you have a scale that was bought at longer than 18", it's a v4.3. If it was 18" or less when purchased, it's version 3.1. This makes a huge difference when telling the sketch how to tell if the position is positive or negative, and that's what TouchDRO needs to have.

We are currently trying to finalize the interface shield design in order to make it neat, and that also requires pin re-assignments on the Arduino. We should be able to have this done in a month or so (I'm ballparking. I really don't know how long this will take). After all these years, I'm happy to say we can finally stick a fork in this thing!
We finally have the real time working version that has been tested. It works with both versions of the scales, v3.1 and v4.3. This is the Arduino only version, the conversion over to the MSP (my personal favorite) hasn't happened yet. We are currently working out distribution details. If anyone has an idea for how to distribute this without using a proprietary forum vendor, please chime in!!
Terry offered to host a couple of pages on a site he already has up and running. I think we are going to go that route for distribution.
Still need to get build instructions and build pictures done, that's what we're trying to do now.
Pin assignments and the Arduino code have been finalized and tested, though. It's just a matter of getting the instructions made for how to build the circuit now. It's very simple, that was the main thing we were shooting for. There are some tight spaces, though. We're just trying to keep this as simple and easy as possible.
Now that the code for the sketch has been figured out and written and the shield construction has designed and tested, we are looking for the amount of people interested in using it. This will help us decide on the best platform for the release.

If anyone is interested, send me an email to and put “iGaging Absolute” in the subject line. This will allow me to add you to the group g-mail list I’ve created for further updates and component list for constructing the shield.
It’s finally ready. We now have a sketch to take the data from the original iGaging AbsoluteDRO scales that will transmit it in a usable fashion to TouchDRO.

Our little team then developed controller build instructions along with the sketch code for use with Arduino and Arduino type MCU’s and constructed both a website detailing this information and a Google Groups support page.

The website is here:
Links to the Google Groups support page are on the website.
It’s been a long road, but there is now a way to use the original iGaging AbsoluteDRO scales with TouchDRO.
I've been lurking in your group, and I'm really impressed with the quality of effort you (plural, as in "y'all") put into it. I will post a link to Terry's site when I get a breather (have been insanely busy last few weeks).
Ditto on the great write up you all have done. Thanks for the effort !!!
Thanks Yuriy! I suspected you kept an eye on our progress from the extremely timely and helpful hints you gave us from time to time!

I plan on porting the code over to the MSP in the near future, but work is getting insanely busy for me right now, too, so that probably won't happen until late spring/early summer. It should be a fairly straight forward job, and actually connecting the scales is a piece of cake.

Keep lurking in our little group, I'll put info in there as I get a chance to work on the MSP version!