The Voron kit build thread

I worked on this for a couple of hours last night, Ken. When I install the SD card in the Orange Pi, it will boot from the SD, and it 'seems' that Armbian is installed. However, when I power it down, remove the SD card and then power it back up, it boots right back into Android. This does not make sense to me because I thought I had Armbian installed on the Emmc, but apparently not?
I found a Reddit thread from 7 months ago that said Armbian was not compatible with Orange Pi 3 LTS, but not sure if that is really the case. I cannot find that thread at the moment but here is a thread that may be useful.
Here is another Reddit thread regarding Fluidd and Mainsail.

After booting from the SD, did you run the "nand-sata-install" command, to write the OS from the SD to the EMMC?

Disclaimer, I don't know how to actually do that. I just read it here

It did at one point Ken, but honestly, I am not confident that I did it in the correct order.
It did at one point Ken, but honestly, I am not confident that I did it in the correct order.

Well, your already a couple steps ahead of me.

If I don't put a card it, it boots into Android.

If I put in any one of the half dozen SD cards I've imaged with Armbian, it just shows a fuzzy white screen and does nothing.

From what I understand, once android has been installed, it changes the boot sequence and boots strait from Emmc, skipping the SD card.

The confusing part is that, if it's booting directly from Emmc, why would having the SD card installed lock it up. It should just skip the SD card and boot into Android regardless of the SD card.
Hi Folks. Sorry to see the problems with the Orange Pi. Someone needs to do a good recipe for it.

In a few minutes Steve Builds is going to do a livestream on installing the Voron Tap probe. Should be interesting background while I work on the Trident.

This morning I printed the mount for the Octopus board. The PIF parts I ordered were set up for the Spider board. Hopefully PLA will work for this, at least to start with. Next step on the build is to install the XY motors and idlers.
Well, your already a couple steps ahead of me.

If I don't put a card it, it boots into Android.

If I put in any one of the half dozen SD cards I've imaged with Armbian, it just shows a fuzzy white screen and does nothing.

From what I understand, once android has been installed, it changes the boot sequence and boots strait from Emmc, skipping the SD card.

The confusing part is that, if it's booting directly from Emmc, why would having the SD card installed lock it up. It should just skip the SD card and boot into Android regardless of the SD card.
I don't think that is quite accurate. It should boot from the SD card and then, after going through some menu items, initiate the command nand-sata-install command line. That should then force the Armbian to load into the Emmc. Have you used SD card formatter for Windows followed by Balen Etcher to give yourself a good, clean image of Armbian?
The other part of this that confuses me is the SSH. Do I need to do this somehow, and if so, how? I believe it can be done through the wireless network via, but I ran out of time last night to continue the troubleshooting.
As a sidebar, I asked this question on the new Voron forum under electronics but have not received any responses yet.
You need to enable ssh to be able to remotely access the Orange Pi. Sorry, don't know how that is done in OrangePi. In RPi it can be done a couple of ways. One way is through RaspiConfig.
I don't think that is quite accurate. It should boot from the SD card and then, after going through some menu items, initiate the command nand-sata-install command line. That should then force the Armbian to load into the Emmc. Have you used SD card formatter for Windows followed by Balen Etcher to give yourself a good, clean image of Armbian?
The other part of this that confuses me is the SSH. Do I need to do this somehow, and if so, how? I believe it can be done through the wireless network via, but I ran out of time last night to continue the troubleshooting.
As a sidebar, I asked this question on the new Voron forum under electronics but have not received any responses yet.

Yea, I formatted the cards first, then used raspberry pi imager to write the images into SD cards.

Putty will be my next thing to try. That'll require more YouTube watching.
In linux it is just
$ ssh -Y user@yourcomputername ( opi@orangepi.local, or opi@ip_address )
-Y gives you root X11 access (usually through sudo).
-X gives you X11 access, ie. the graphics that would have gone to your local Pi console is forwarded to the remote computer.

Just plain $ ssh user@yourcomputername only gives you command line access.

From what I recall putty is pretty simple.
Don't know if this is authoritative, but looks pretty simple.

I do not know what exactly is going on with Think they were bought out, or squatted on. Not the same as I remember visiting just 5 or 10 years ago. Back then, you could get to the instructions without having to download.

Ahh, here is the original site. this is the real one.
Seems it is also in the Microsoft store.
I got it to boot from the SD card, but not from the Armbian image I got from Armbian.

It worked when I used the Debian image from Orange Pi's website.

I'making progress, but stuck untill I can get a keyboard. Debian doesn't give me an on-screen keypad like a droid did.