The last I saw of that spring

I repair clocks and when I need to make steel springs I use music wire from my local music shop. I just go through their assortment of guitar strings. A single string here is around $1.25.

David, another great idea, if I combine this one with EBEL's idea of the hole thru the screw I could probably make one that fit exactly. Thanks for the idea. Cheers
It seems hobby shops are becoming endangered there used to be a few I used by me and there's only one left. Possibly the internets killing them off. You can also use single strand stainless steel fishing leader material. That may be harder to find though.

Thanks, another good idea. I'll check it out the next time I'm in a tackle shop, I'll look in Dick's too as now that I think about it I don't know of any tackle shops around here. I'm about 1 1/2 hours from the coast, but maybe ss fishing leader is used with Ice fishing gear. I have to urinate too often to Ice Fish, I'd spend all day walking back and forth to the woods. Cheers
I use an old speaker magnet fixed onto the end of an old broomstick. It seems the older I get and the smaller the part, the more useful that magnet becomes.

I dropped all 25 bearings from an Albrecht chuck on my garage floor, not once but 4 separate times! Found every single one of those little buggers with that magnet and if you saw my garage you would know what a miracle that was.

sounds like my shop, I spent hours doing that before I jumped on the forum. This time the mighty Casey has struck out.