Servicing DotCo inline die grinders?

I was able to get a lot of help from Apex (Dotco) and others on line.
The roll pins are tapped out with a 3/32" roll pin punch then tapped back in
with replacement pins which cost .57c each. I found all the parts I need
on and on Ebay. Great deal on Ebay for re-build kits!

I'm saving lots of money and time doing this job myself.
Not to mention the experience.
DIY :)

Thank you all
I've disassembled all of the easier parts, now, how do I remove the four sections of the
motor housing unit. There's the front end threaded collet check body, cylinder and two end plates.
How do I get these apart? Someone suggested using a pin punch and holding the cylinder in a vise then
giving it a good whack with a mallet. Should I use a brass punch? Has anyone ever done this with a Dotco
die grinder? I don't want to destroy a good Dotco. I could really use some help on this. Thanks
I was able to get a thin screwdriver or chisel tip between the back plate
bearing and the cylinder and it pried off easily once I could get it started.
It wasn't on a Dotco but every grinder I have had apart was pretty much the
same design.

If not a photo might be beneficial.

These are 4 sections plus the rotor blades inside (not counting O rings). I think I'll put a small pin punch in the
ID of the end plate hole and try to knock the parts out while holding the cylinder in a vise (with padding or soft jaws).
It's over 15 years old and it needs a rebuild. I got all of the parts cheap. Thank you all.

IMG_20150119_205005_491.jpg IMG_20150119_205032_552.jpg
I was able to do the re-build with no damage. I should do a YouTube video on how this is done.
I saved a lot of money doing this myself. I purchased all of the parts on Ebay and
Genuine Dotco parts. I'll post step by step photos of the procedure in another thread.

I don't recommend the use of screw drivers for prying. It will only chip and mar the metal.

Thanks for the replies. :)