Rockwell mill lubrication upgrade

How did you get it out? I was considering putting in oil cups, but I'm afraid I'll damage something trying to get the gits out.
Ball Oilers out... broke down and.pulled the drive and quill. Added three more lube points!
Got the initial mounting on the quill DRO.

I tapped one 5/16", but that made so many chips I decided I had to pull the spindle.

I just used a punch to drive out the other one. They don't line up, of course!

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Oil cups would be good on the side ones, but you need felt to keep it from all running out when the quill is down.

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Adding power for the new axies and the ring light. One switch to rule them all!

Noodling on the front cover... zip ties for springs?

And, a "aw, #%^&" note; the lock hits a lube port.

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You could grind a smidge off the lock to clock the lever to a more favorable location.
As I was telling Doc Nickle, I also bent that screw severely a few years back. I really just need to make a longer one that clears ;-)

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Argh. My fleabay pump brick needs to be cleaned out so it pumps right. Hopefully I wont have to re-sesl the whole thing.

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I've got oil drooling out everywhere now :-)
Cables and hoses, rendered, Gibs adjusted, vise lined up, head trammed!
The only outstanding thing is upgrading the power feed with some actual switches...

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