A few days ago, I bought a rusty Sjogren 5C speed chuck off a seller on OWWM...
It was ugly, but worked good. I'm planning to use it on my South Bend 14½" lathe.
Yesterday morning, I disassembled it and soaked and scrubbed all the old oil and gunk off, then set it out to air dry.
This morning, I used Rem oil, scotchbrite, and 0000 steel wool to remove the rust. It is still stained, but not crusty, anyway.
I started to put it back together... but when I would tap the back half in place, it would lock the entire mechanism up. After fooling with it for an hour or more, disassembling/ reassembling a half dozen times, I finally discovered the gears have to be timed... there is two 'o's stamped on the center gear and punch marks on the 'planet' gears... if you line all these marks up, it works!
After assembly, it looks much better...
I already had a 2⅜- 6 tpi backplate blank that will fit my South Bend, so I chucked it up in the Hendey gearhead to rough about four inches off the OD.
After roughing...
Now I need to thread it onto the spindle on the South Bend and finish fitting it to the chuck.
The more I use the old Hendey gearhead, the more I like it... it's a long way from being perfect, but it runs and machines great. I was machining this backplate at 400 RPM, probably .010 feed per revolution (guesstimated), and .200 DOC... it took it, no complaints, no sweat... my SB couldn't do anywhere near that without severe chatter.