POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?


For the past couple of days I've been disassembling, cleaning, lubing and reassembling pretty much every single part this thing has. Apparently someone at the factory thought it would be a practical joke to mix both metric and imperial screws while assembling the bike. I wish that they had at least used some form of anti-seize on the threads, because ~15 years in various storage conditions has truly done its job. There were also some minor paint chips, which I patched up using my gf's nail polish. I will never ever complain about her buying an another red nail polish again :chunky:
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Making the two halves of the drive shaft for the bridge crane. The shaft is 1.5" x .120 wall steel tube, each piece roughly 11' long. Left pic is the flange coupling to join the two halves. They'll get TIG welded to the tube, and I'm leaning toward bolting them together with a piece of 3/4" rubber stall mat cut between them to provide a little give for mis-alignment. The right pic is couplings for the other ends of the two shafts parts where they'll get TIG welded after I broach a keyway in them. They're bored to fit the stub shafts that hold the sprockets for the roller chain.
IMG_5322.JPG IMG_5325.JPG

Tomorrow I'll turn the stub shaft for the driven end. Looking forward to working with 1215 after turning these out of 1018 since they will be welded in.
Looking forward to working with 1215 after turning these out of 1018 since they will be welded in
Ugh, looking at the exploded view of that 2nd pic, I need to check my .751 reamer …
Reamed?? or chipped boring bar?
Drlled 47/64ths, then reamed with a .751 reamer. The 18mm one was bored with a boring bar, and you can see a hint of chatter.
Not making any money today!

Had to drill some holes. Hate when it's a size that doesn't fit the collets on the little mill-drill. Looked at doing this on the Sheckel, but that wasn't going to be easy. That machine is nice for what it's good for, but horrible for anything else!

So, time to break out a tool I bought but haven't actually used yet. (There's a lot of those, so that's easier than it should be! ;) )
Two tools, actually. The first was the height gauge to set the center on the grinding fixture. And the other, of course being the grinding fixture.

For a Chinese import, this thing is actually really nice. Seems to be correct in every way down to a tenth. Ground this drill bit down to 3/8" shank quite nicely. Very happy with the surface finish. Should probably rig up a motor on it for grinding round items. Have the motor, belts, lack the time.

Probably took longer doing this than I should have. But it'll be a drill that gets used in the future, so not really a waste of time.
Tired of cleaning and paint prep work so played around with polishing bakelite (polyoxybenzylmethyleneglycolanhydride) knobs last night.
made an arbor from 5/16" ready rod just so I could get so time on the lathe.

400 grit wet sandpaper followed by 3M compound.
far left knob is done, other 3 are waiting their turn.