I needed to cleanup my mill after doing some notching of tubing for my footbrake on the lathe. My ShopVac wouldn't start, plugged it in a different outlet and hit it a few times and it started. Then it wouldn't start again.
So broke it down, usually the switch goes on these. My other ShopVac the switch is by passed, and a wall switch is on the handle of the SS vac.
The switch was working, so I went to the motor and had to clean up the commutator. It was filthy. I had to do this on 2 other shop vacs.
I have never had to do anything on my Craftsman, or Rigid. My shop vacs all have issues. So did that..
Then went on to welding the tubing to create a foot pedal. I'm not sure how, but I messed up the alignment of the footpedal part, I wanted it closer to the leg. I marked where the tubings should meet. And still I missed. GRRRRRR
And finally I repaired a constant voltage, constant current (filtered, very smooth) OLD , ANALOG power supply. Glad I ordered the transistors, since they are showing up as discontinued on Mouser (but in stock) and DigiKey minimum is 100 pcs. It's back together and working. I wish I had a manual, since there are ports on the back and you can program this. It has some interesting components. When I bought this at a garage sale years ago, the guy was ****** (really P i s s e d is a violation ) that I didn't know what this was. It was the end of the sale and he was moving and no one wanted it, and I wanted it as a power supply. He told me it was more than a power supply, but he had no documentation.
edit: oh yea, I replaced the power cord, and so glad I did, there was no insulation on it where it made the turn to the connector block.. You couldn't see it under the other bundles of wire.
And after welding the tubes today, I'm going to cut the cord on my grinders as well. First the cheap HF units, then the dewalt . I really like one cord over many. I had 3 plugged in and it was a mess. Just as easy to have one and just plug what I need right at the grinder. I think. We'll see.. the HF are cheap enough.