POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

it may be the way to go .
I got rid of my rentals. PIA. I still have my industrial building for income.
Rentals were OK money when I was younger and did all the maintenance myself.
I'd forget the realtor and use a lawyer for the paperwork.
Private sale might be good if it's an all cash deal. Need to get a solid appraisal and comps to know what the price should be. Definitely possible to discount to the neighbor due to no realtor fees but you might want to get a realtor involved anyway to make sure all the paperwork is done right.

We had the same realtor do the deal with us for both buying and selling our Michigan home 13 years later. He just charged a flat rate and represented both parties. Not hard to do in a small town where people trust each other.

Good luck.

Closing attorney: they have no skin in the deal. Realtors just bring the parties together.