Please don't throw me out


Jun 20, 2011
I haven't posted for awhile due to health problems with my wife. Have to take her to Memphis every few months. Also been trying to get a new shop built. I do value this site and it's members as a great source of good information. Just been gettin' overwhelmed lately.

Garry, stop worrying about getting tossed out. Take care of the more important things. You family should come first. We'll be here, patiently waiting.......just come in when you can.
Hi Gary,

Life gets in the way of our hobbies sometimes and that is just the way it is.
Take care of your wife and family first, they are more important than posting.
We are always here if you need to talk, post news or get something off your chest!

You know we all wish the best and speediest recovery for your wife!


Not only won't you be booted, but I just increased your post count to 20, so that you won't get any of those annoying messages anymore about posting more.

As others have said, take care of things close to home, we will be here.


I know what its like to have a sick wife. I hope everything goes well.

Garry, I hope your wife is getting better.

Taking care of family can take time from the hobby but is more important. My wife also has a lot of health issues (two doctor visits this week) but she is my best friend and puts up with me and my hobbies. We just spent a couple of weeks driving her parents to North Carolina and back home so they could visit since they are getting a little too old to drive the distance.

Today the wife suggested that I drop her off at Target and go hang out at the scrap yard for an hour or so. It didn’t take long to agree to that plan. While at the scrap yard I was able to locate some perforated metal to build a cart with casters so I can easily roll around for cleaning, a small tool/cutter grinder I also found at the scrap yard some time back. The grinder has just been setting in the garage waiting cleaning and repairs so it can become a useful part of my hobby.

My wife has said that I can bring anything home except another woman; she’s a keeper. I am going to take real good care of her as there aren’t that many like her available.

Regards, Benny
A couple of nights ago, at 3 am, my wife was coughing her head off. Woke up, get her up, gave her some cough medicine, propped her up in a recliner to sleep, and she was able to sleep.
I watched her all night to make sure she was ok. Went to work sleepwalking, but oh, well. Family and illness always come first.

The house is full of antique clocks and machines. You would laugh if I showed you how many clocks are on tables, cabinets, walls, etc. A few of them even actually work, and go "bonging" all night and day long.
The basement as like 4000 pounds of old iron in it. Backyard had a milling machine on our patio.
My wife puts up with it all- not that I don't get some funny comments now and then.

We've had members here with serious illnesses, and we miss them, but family and life always come first.

Far be it from me to tell you not to take care of your wife, much less give you the boot for it- you must be mistaking me for someone else.
You have 20 posts, so you won't get any emails or messages to post more.

I know what that is all about. Two and half weeks ago I came down with an horrendous cold and my wife followed in a couple of days with the same thing. A week ago last Monday she woke up with a mini stroke and I spent 2 days with her in the hospital emerg. All symptoms disappeared thank goodness but the cold and affects from that still linger. All scans and tests showed all clear for which we are grateful however she is still weak.
So I hope your misses is on the mend too. So keep up the good cheer.
As a site administrator myself I suspect Tony wants active members, but I am sure he has some patience to see how the new guys do and if they are getting up to speed. To show a new member the door too quickly would for sure be detremental to the growth of the site ya know! :thumbzup: