Hmm - The thought that passes is that the circuit may be storing energy in low-pass filter mode, and delivering a pulse of longer duration than the integration deserved . This is not quite like "pulse stretcher", which at least seeks an amplitude, but I think you get what I mean.
In the most extreme form, the "peak-hold" detector, they give up on the pulse duration altogether, and settle for the amplitude only
This need not be too bad. The calibration exercise will discover "buckets" of counts in groups anyway.
It is possible that the "apparently 161keV" pulse actually started out as something shorter duration, provoked perhaps by 38keV to (say) 50keV originally. The circuits we are trying for do attempt a "real" measurement of photon energy. Perhaps unwisely. It might be considered a bit OTT, but it will give a very fine resolution , and can potentially hike the performance if two pulses arrive a bit together.
SparkFun Import Fun
I have untangled what happens. The Royal Mail is a spun off "privatized" company, forced by statute charter to deliver everywhere in UK, regardless how low the population, allegedly "in competition" with other carriers. Then starved of cash while having to employ postmen. Basically, the costs went way up, and the level of service went down, from all directions.
It turns out that, without a "trade deal", import duty on anything over £39 will happen. This amounts to £10.97 on the $96.95 value listed. If I were a a trader, selling it on, this tax is recoverable. But if I am the end user, it gets paid. The flat £8 charge on top is the fee to the Royal Mail, for the task of delivering it to me as a postal parcel. So - if it is from the USA, only buy if less than £39!
I shudder to think what will happen after Dec 31st, when tariff-free trade with the EU ceases. The present situation is that a controversial condition was set that the European Union could never agree to, looking very much like a deliberate deal-breaker. We will see some lip-service gestures, but I fully expect that it will be a bust, and a big mess. The pre-owned South Bend compound part in USA, $125 asked, is going to stay in the USA. I don't know if used, worn, pre-loved, recycled stuff gets a customs charge, but I decline to find out right now.
[Duh! The caliper (empty box) was still in the picture].
In the most extreme form, the "peak-hold" detector, they give up on the pulse duration altogether, and settle for the amplitude only
This need not be too bad. The calibration exercise will discover "buckets" of counts in groups anyway.
It is possible that the "apparently 161keV" pulse actually started out as something shorter duration, provoked perhaps by 38keV to (say) 50keV originally. The circuits we are trying for do attempt a "real" measurement of photon energy. Perhaps unwisely. It might be considered a bit OTT, but it will give a very fine resolution , and can potentially hike the performance if two pulses arrive a bit together.
SparkFun Import Fun
I have untangled what happens. The Royal Mail is a spun off "privatized" company, forced by statute charter to deliver everywhere in UK, regardless how low the population, allegedly "in competition" with other carriers. Then starved of cash while having to employ postmen. Basically, the costs went way up, and the level of service went down, from all directions.
It turns out that, without a "trade deal", import duty on anything over £39 will happen. This amounts to £10.97 on the $96.95 value listed. If I were a a trader, selling it on, this tax is recoverable. But if I am the end user, it gets paid. The flat £8 charge on top is the fee to the Royal Mail, for the task of delivering it to me as a postal parcel. So - if it is from the USA, only buy if less than £39!
I shudder to think what will happen after Dec 31st, when tariff-free trade with the EU ceases. The present situation is that a controversial condition was set that the European Union could never agree to, looking very much like a deliberate deal-breaker. We will see some lip-service gestures, but I fully expect that it will be a bust, and a big mess. The pre-owned South Bend compound part in USA, $125 asked, is going to stay in the USA. I don't know if used, worn, pre-loved, recycled stuff gets a customs charge, but I decline to find out right now.
[Duh! The caliper (empty box) was still in the picture].
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