I finally got around to turning on my pocket geiger board to take a look at its analog signal. Looking at the board vs. schematic, I was becoming suspicious that the connections to JP2 did not agree, so I needed to fire it up and make some measurements. It turns out they do NOT agree. The board swaps P2 and P4! If you look at the bottom of the board, the pad marked with an "A" is the analog signal; and the pad opposite it is ground.
Since I had the board running, I decided to get out one of my Americium smoke-detector capsules to see what kind of pulses I'd get out of the thing. I clamped the board in a Panavise with the detector facing down, then slid the Am241 source underneath. The copper foil shield was left in place so I'd (hopefully) see at least a few fluorescence photons. BTW this isn't an ideal configuration -- the only XRF photons I'd detect are the ones emitted on the exit side of the copper foil, from the somewhat-attenuated 60Kev primaries, PLUS some primaries (and reduced pulse height because the detector's response rolls off above 10Kev). I'm assuming the copper will strongly absorb its own 8Kev XRF photons & that's why only ones emitted near the exit side will be detected. Anyway, here are some photos showing a few pulses I captured using a DS212 mini-scope:
BTW, the count rate was quite low, maybe a few CPS....hopefully due to the nonideal test setup I used. It's encouraging that the time scale agrees with my simulations. The noise level is concerning to me though. I also occasionally observed some very large negative transients, possibly popcorn noise. I did not see any large positive transients.
I did buy 6 AM241 capsules so if the count rate really IS this low I can bump it up by using more, similar to what the Theremino folks did.
Since I had the board running, I decided to get out one of my Americium smoke-detector capsules to see what kind of pulses I'd get out of the thing. I clamped the board in a Panavise with the detector facing down, then slid the Am241 source underneath. The copper foil shield was left in place so I'd (hopefully) see at least a few fluorescence photons. BTW this isn't an ideal configuration -- the only XRF photons I'd detect are the ones emitted on the exit side of the copper foil, from the somewhat-attenuated 60Kev primaries, PLUS some primaries (and reduced pulse height because the detector's response rolls off above 10Kev). I'm assuming the copper will strongly absorb its own 8Kev XRF photons & that's why only ones emitted near the exit side will be detected. Anyway, here are some photos showing a few pulses I captured using a DS212 mini-scope:
BTW, the count rate was quite low, maybe a few CPS....hopefully due to the nonideal test setup I used. It's encouraging that the time scale agrees with my simulations. The noise level is concerning to me though. I also occasionally observed some very large negative transients, possibly popcorn noise. I did not see any large positive transients.
I did buy 6 AM241 capsules so if the count rate really IS this low I can bump it up by using more, similar to what the Theremino folks did.