Need a gantry crane for a one time use.

There is not reason to have to put up signage. The rock is pretty, I do not want to break it. To hard to put back together.

I do have a few surprises already almost buried in key locations. :rolleyes: The surprises have stopped my rain gutters from getting flattened.
We need a picture of this rock ;)

it's a ROCK. BIG. You've seen rocks before, just imagine a HUGE rock..
There was once a big rock up in Franconia NH... it was across the gorge.
One day it disappeared.. No trace of it.. No little boulders, or rocks.. just poof...
Now that was a ROCK..

read the Discovery 2nd paragraph..
When I visited the area, there was a photo or drawing. I don't remember. I tend to think it was a photo.. It was BIG
it was a photo.. they have a colorized one of the boulder in the lower right.
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I want it to discourage people from cutting the corner across my yard while driving thru. I live on a corner and people have cut the corner so short that my house has been hit. I have about a 400 lb rock there now and it keeps getting hit, I then have to pick up pieces of plastic that fell off of cars and push the 400 lb rock back where it belongs. I am hoping that a bigger rock will stay put when a car hits it. I can only guess that the rock I am looking at is somewhere around 6-7,000 lbs.
OMG. I could have never, ever, expected to hear a tale like this in a forum.

God, this is pure gold.
I am right with you on the rock. You would be surprised how big of a rock that can be rolled with just a hydraulic jack. Don’t lift it roll it. If the rock is anywhere round you could probably load it and unload it with a hydraulic jack. We moved one the size of a VW that way.
The rock is 350 miles away. There will be no pics anytime soon.

The rock is triangular in shape with big flat sides. Will not roll easy.

I have been looking into getting some cameras for around the house.

But that is a whole different discussion.
You know, if you got Wile E Coyote that rock would move, I think it would fly, and land right on him. So put an effigy of WC on your trailer...