Mitutoyo 0-1" Micrometer

I notice my mititoyo 0-1 was a bit off the other dy so i zeroed it which messed up e rest of the range, i re set it at the 1" end with a guague block and went down in 50h steps checking it with single gauge blocks, it read dead on until about 5 or 7 th then it seemed off, the thinist gauge i have is 10 th.

Not sure if this some grit in the screw or normal for the mics. I left it so it dosnt goto zero but reads correct along the range.

micrometers will wear out I have a couple sets that are accurate on either end of the range but are questionable from say 5/16 to 3/4 range but then they've gotten a lot of use when I ran automatics for a living too!
Essentially, the basic parts involved in your issue are the same on the 101 and 103 series. The spindle has a taper mount thimble, and is held in place much like a Morse taper tool, with the exception of the screw mechanism that draws the thimble down. On yours, for whatever reason, the thimble is fitting too far "down" the taper. There are only two ways to readily fix this, as you have confirmed that the sleeve is firm against the frame. You can remove a little from the face of the thimble so it is shorter in respect to the taper, or remove material at the frame end of the sleeve. The objective is to restore the linear relationship of the thimble and the sleeve.

I have seen this a few times before, and people either learn to live with it, knowing that there will be a large gap between the previous indicator line of the 0.025 movement just before the next one shows, or fix it by one of the above methods. I agree that it would make you do a double take on a reading, but that's not a bad thing anyway. I'd probably fix it if it were mine.
I believe my Mitsu came with a 1" Standard Slug and a little spanner wrench to fine tune it, unless I'm thinking about another measuring tool.
I called Mitutoyo this mornin. He said that this was not uncommon and it was not something they would correct. [In other words, my words and without being rude, git use to it.] If the horizontal lines line up with the vertical line being just a fraction covered by the thimble, it is good to go.

I thank all of y'all for your responses. If I can't git use to it I'll try one of Tony's suggestions.
