Mirror finish with HSS tool bits

Us machinists, at N.A.R.F., always had profilometers available to use. Aircraft rework was pretty particular. Q.A. was always there for first article and spot inspections.
So I guess the last 5 or so post don't answer anything.

Basically we can expect a smooth finish but not shiny in any way right?
The best I can do with a freshly sharpened and honed HSS tool. Definitely not a mirror finish.

But, it's 12L14 steel, so it's kinda cheating.
The best I can do with a freshly sharpened and honed HSS tool.

But, it's 12L14 steel, so it's kinda cheating.
I can't get leaded steel. All I can get is annealed 4140 or low carbon steel, and various tool steels. However since 4140 and low carbon steel cost the same where I am at, I just get 4140.
Low speed(20-30rpm), very fine feed(.001"), flood coolant, .020-.040" doc.
HSS tool shaped a bit like a roughing tool,
Finishing tool with enough 20-25 degree chamfer on leading edge to account for the doc.
Done on free machining mild steel, may require some trial and error on other materials.
So what's wrong with very high speed on HSS but very light cuts? I mean HSS doesn't really burn up that easily anyways. We're not talking about high carbon steel here.