Mill vise size?

I have just bought a Grizzly G0704 milling machine and I am currently shopping around for a good milling vise. Ideally I want a Kurt vise but I don't have that kind of money to spend. So far I have narrowed down my choices to either a 5" Glacern GSV-550 or a 5" 550V CNC vise from Shars. From pictures and specs I've seen they seem identical, from the same source but with different labels. The price difference however is substantial, $335 for the Glacern vs. $235 for the Shars.

Does anyone know if they are the same or has anyone any experience with either one or ideally both that they could share?
I also have a G0704 I have a 4" vise on it. A 5" might be alittle on the large side.