The next part I tackled was the Base. It is a fairly large casting and requires facing the top, bottom, and drilling/tapping 16 holes.
I first clamped the part upside down. I used a 1/2" HSS roughing endmill to face the bottom of the part, moving whichever clamp was in my way. The change in clamping pressure around the perimeter created a few steps in the face but they won't be visible when this is assembled. Not sure how to do it better. After about 1/3 of the way around the part, my spindle load meter started to climb, the finish got worse, and the cut got louder. I stopped to find my endmill was worn to a smooth corner. It must really not like the scale right at the surface of the casting. I switched to a carbide roughing endmill from Hanita and has no further issues.
I then flipped the part and skimmed the top faces for full cleanup. This actually took the part underside on the height, but was the preference of my friend who owns the kit.
Right before I started on this side, my CNC computer had a glitch and wouldn't respond to the mouse or keyboard (touchscreen was fine). I had to fully reimage the PC including setting up Mach 4 again. That sucked and chewed up 2 weeks of shop time. But everything is running fine again.
After taking 2 weeks off from working on this, I wasn't in my flow, wasn't paying attention to the print, and made a big oops. The mounting pads shown below were for 10-24 screws, but I pre-drilled them #7. With permission from my buddy I will have to modify the plans to use 1/4-20 bolts here for the pillow blocks instead.
The process of indicating this part to be straight on the table without any precision surface to reference, and to center the holes on the various bosses took many hours of fiddling with the indicator. I probably spend twice the time on setup as I do actually cutting.
Here is the mating part with the intended screw (left) and the 1/4-20 screw (right). It will look and function fine, but I'm mad at myself for not paying attention.
Here are the pads completed. I also drilled the 4 mounting ears at the bottom.
Kate needed to do a final QC.
There was also several hours of bench work to remove the flash from the edges of the casting.