Machinist's tool chest

The answer to the question above is that you use pure wool felt, not synthetic or rabbit fur felting. Wool can absorb a little oil without the 'cotton effect'. Rabbit fur wool (especially top of the line stuff) attracts water/creates rust. I can't remember the problems with synthetic felting, but was warned away from it from a shop foreman (he had an anecdote)

Perhaps someone here knows why synthetic felt is not so good???
Gerstner uses acrylic felt, and I assume they know what they are doing.

Yes, the drawer bottoms in Gerstner chests are metal. It makes much more effective use of the space. It's also why the drawers are pretty much immune from jamming. There's no gap for something in one drawer to protrude into and block the drawer from opening.

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I'm happy to stand corrected!
I wish I had a climate controlled shop environment. Those Gerstner chest and boxes are beautiful. I just don’t think my garage would be fair to a wooden box.
@f350ca , that is a beautiful box you made, I’m up for adoption BTW
There's just something about the feel of a wooden tool cabinet and though humidity isn't a huge problem in my shop there's absolutely no sign of corrosion in the one I made.
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You made an absolutely beautiful tool chest. I have no skills at all with wood. That chest should be around for generations. Beautiful work.
There totally is. There was a thread somewhere on here about a guy putting like WallyWorld felt in his box and it messed up his tools. If I remember right it was not clear if it was the glue or the felt.
Kennedy sells felt kits for all of their boxes. When I restored the original issue one I got, I found a Krylon paint that was a perfect match, even with the wrinkled tone,which is in the original paint, and refelted it. Looks like new.
It is a joke my friend, many here start threads about "machinists tool boxes" especially the wooden ones.
I have worked full time in the business for 30 years, I use whatever works for me, I have no preferences other then that.
Currently use this Husky box that has a good deal of small shallow drawers, a good bit more expensive then a home shop would like I suspect +$500.00 yet does what I need.

I don’t understand the attachment to the Kennedy boxes, I do get the Gertshner boxes. In my home shop my machining box is Husky bottom that was a gift, the I have a Craftsman 3 drawer stack, then a HF wooden top. The wooden top is where all the measuring tools go, because it does help with temperature swings in my shop, I keep some boxed precision tools in the middle Craftsman risers. Mostly tooling in the Husky box

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