I think the A6 refers to the taper on the chuck body, if it were an A5 it might bolt right up to my spindle. As it stands I have these A1-5 A5 Rapidhold backplates that have the right taper and hole spacing for my DIN 55027 spindle.
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Stock 3 jaw on the right, backing plate on the left.
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Holes that I think I need to plug to avoid an interrupted cut.
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I do have some time to figure it out since another member here
@Cooter Brown has the gap piece for my lathe (which he's kindly repairing for me) and I think I'll need it to get close enough to make a good cut on the backplate.
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I know it's really improvising but when I finally figured out what the spindle on this lathe is I contacted Rohm who referred me to a dealer here in the bay area and I got a quote on the right backplate. Yes, it was over $600 and had to be shipped from Europe. They do show up on eBay in Germany for some reason (maybe it's a Russian spec) but communicating with sellers and getting them to ship to California is pretty tough.
If I can get my 4 jaw mounted I might be able to modify the backing plate that came with it but I'm worried about stacking errors becoming a problem.
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