I need to bore a moderately small hole

If the hole has a seam, an interrupt of some type, you may want to consider a spiral flute reamer for the finish work. If I am understanding your description that is.
You are; perfectly, it would seem. I have had a few urgent things come up, so I have had to set the project aside for a few weeks.
If you need a flat bottom hole you will have to bore it. Micro 100 makes some very nice boring tools and probably sells bushings, as well.
If you need a flat bottom hole you will have to bore it. Micro 100 makes some very nice boring tools and probably sells bushings, as well.
No, the hole will be bored all the way through the mold, so a tapered end on the bit will make no difference.
till, check out Micro 100. Solid carbide. Perfect cutting geometry.