Hi. I had an unpleasant surprise when making another Alciatore type tool holder. This is a block with a large hole in it that is clamped around a post. The difference with the Norman tool post is that the post has a flat machined in it. The block has a corresponding section cut on the chord of the hole circle with a steel bar strap and bolt to tighten it around the post. When I cut the chord, the block must have had residual stresses and it closed a tiny bit and would not fit the post. Would it help to do a stress relieve before cutting the chord? I looked up stress relief on the Internet, and it is done well below the austenitizing temperature, like 1100 or 1200 F. Is this enough to avoid the problem? The reason that I never had the problem before while making these holders is that I usually make the hole with a handled hot punch and a striker. This time I just used a boring bar to make it. Forging temperatures must do a lot of good to help prevent the problem.