Help Setting Up My New Tool Box.


Dude, you are over the top! I have a total of 4 pieces of HHS. LOL

I'm afraid it's gotten much worse since I filmed that... I bought an entire machine shop last month, so I now have another oak box and probably another 30 lbs of lathe cutters and end mills. I did sell a few with the Benchmaster I sold, but I really have to let some of these go.
Here's an actual picture of the box sitting on my main machining tool box. It's not full yet but just about every drawer has something in it now.

I've dreamed for a box like that, but a kennedy 3-drawer does work well. Gotta put dividers in it though.

First drawer: hex keys, and lots of them.
Second: Hand tools, micrometers, etc.
Third: Parallel clamps, small and large drill index, etc.

Top: Handbook, calculator, parallel set, flycutter set, etc.