Grizzly Surface plate? Snag or Pass

Also if it is common stock they can sell it for you at a loss to you without your permission. Ask me how I know.
Yes, that can happen. If you are engaged in margin trades it can happen. If a company goes into bankruptcy proceedings even if they come out of it as basically a new company, the existing share holders are SOL. I give you General Motors as an example. If another company buys your company your shares will likely be traded for some # of shares of the buyer or sold under some conditions. All reasons why you should be diversified. Bonds are subject to early termination.

Historically the S&P has returned about 11%/year. But it is a bumpy ride. Many people find it hard to stay in when the markets take a big or prolonged dive. I have been told many time how they are losing $ and therefore are going to get out. That is so wrong. I'm not a trader. I'm an investor. I don't pay anyone to advise me, I prefer to make my own mistakes.
And if so how? I managed a fuel pump product line when I worked for GM.

@ltlvt I know some guys who made these kinds of decisions at GM abouty 10-15 years ago, would you like me to ask? Pm me and we can chat!
@ltlvt I know some guys who made these kinds of decisions at GM abouty 10-15 years ago, would you like me to ask? Pm me and we can chat!
I've been gone from GM since 2008. I was paid well for almost 30 years but what a fine day it was when I left the Septic tank. I was told by my boss one time If I expected to climb the ladder I needed to learn how to Lie! sorry that's just not in my DNA. Dabbler I am sure we could share some stories but I left a toxic environment and don't have any desire to look back. But thanks for the invitation.
Yes, that can happen. If you are engaged in margin trades it can happen. If a company goes into bankruptcy proceedings even if they come out of it as basically a new company, the existing share holders are SOL. I give you General Motors as an example. If another company buys your company your shares will likely be traded for some # of shares of the buyer or sold under some conditions. All reasons why you should be diversified. Bonds are subject to early termination.

Historically the S&P has returned about 11%/year. But it is a bumpy ride. Many people find it hard to stay in when the markets take a big or prolonged dive. I have been told many time how they are losing $ and therefore are going to get out. That is so wrong. I'm not a trader. I'm an investor. I don't pay anyone to advise me, I prefer to make my own mistakes.
We agree on not following the herd. Sadly all the money I made investing was generated by someone else losing their money. the market is just a really big Ponzi game. I'm at the age where I hate money and will give all mine away. It seems the more I give the less of it that I need.
The 9x12 is big enough to check small parts and to back sandpaper.
(emphasis mine)

I know it's Grizzly, not Mitutoyo, but if one is going to be using it to check parts, wouldn't it be better not to use it as a flat surface for sanding?