Wow..........just wow!
Very Nice Randy!!!! Did you get your Logan rebuilt yet?
Randy, that band saw has got me envious, and thats saying a lot. I typically don't get envious. :LOL: That band saw would be perfect for me. Your restoration is top notch. I'll bet it didn't even look that good when it was brand spankin new.
Really nice job! Impressed with the paint job.
I usually want to get onto the next thing, so the paint never happens for me. Looks great!
Randy, I did get an ER40 Collet Chuck ordered for my Logan 1920-1, and ordered a set of collets. Looking forward to them coming in. I have the ER collets for my other two lathes and really love'm.
Randy, as noted this bandsaw is going to look better than new when you finish it. Heck, it looks better than new now!
Are you using stainless steel bolts for the reassembly?