Does this lathe make my chuck look big?


Jul 29, 2011

Happy new year to all :drink:

I'm considering mounting my 8" 4 jaw chuck (Pics 1 &2) onto my 12x 36 Korean Astro Lathe (Pics 3 and 4). From what I can find on the net the Astro Lathe is supposed to be similar to a JET 12x36. I bought the lathe used about a year ago and it seems to be a capable lathe. I really like the quick change gear box. The 8" chuck I inherited from my Grandfather. It was brand new packed in the shipping box and wrapped in a news paper form 1954. When I got the lathe it came with a 5" 3 jaw scroll chuck (Pic4). I've started to machine an adapter plate (pic3) to be able to use the 5" chuck mount with the 8" chuck. My question is this. Is this too much chuck for this lathe? My instinct says that it should be OK but I'd appreciate a 2nd or 3rd opinion.

Thanks Tony

chuck1.JPG chuck2.JPG lathe1.JPG lathe2.JPG
While I'm not familiar with either the Astro or the Jet, I wouldn't hesitate to put the 8" on one. I once added a 5" 4-jaw to a 7x12 mini-lathe. The little DC motor had no problem spinning it up to speed. Just have to watch that the jaws don't stick out far enough to hit the ways or the carriage.
Thanks Hawkeye

That's what I was thinking too. I have about 3" between the ways and the edge of the chuck I'll have to watch the carriage. I usually do a test rotation by hand to gauge available clearance.

My 12x36 Birmingham came with a 8" 4 jaw, and I now have an 8" on my 13x36, so, no, I think youll be just fine with it.

But ..... boy, that IS a fat bodied 4 jaw! Is it possibly a scroll chuck? must be something in all that space behind the jaws...

Good to know someone has some history doing what I plan too. Yes it has a scroll behind the 4 two piece jaws. Each jaw has an independent adjustment screw plus there is a scroll that moves all 4 jaws in unison. Two different chuck keys too.

Bison now makes those type of chucks. They aren't real cheap,but nothing Bison makes anymore is cheap!! Glad I'm all chucked up by now. I have also seen OLD 3 jaw chucks that could shift into independent mode.
I have an 8" 3 jaw on my Craftsman 12x36. It work's out just fine

002 - Copy.JPG
It always seems to me that lathe makers send only what they have to with the lathe, which means generally you can up-size the chuck without difficulty. 8" is not too large at all for that machine. But as already mentioned, watch out when you turn up close to the chuck that the carriage does clear the jaws, or possibly even the chuck body.
Cool. Feeling confident again about this little project.

KD4gij: Nice setup you have there.

Patty: It is a really nice chuck to use. When I brought the lathe and tools home after my Dad passed it was a nice surprise. My grandfather ran Post Machine CO in Toronto in the 50's and 60's. He must have bought it for the business but never used it. My I remember my dad bringing home box after box of machine tools after grandad passed away. I was only about 7 at the time. I never really new what was there.
It's a BANI (Swiss Made) chuck3.jpgchuck4.jpg. Goggling Bani only comes up with a few pages about used chucks. but nothing new. I guess they don't exist any more.

Tony Yes I've noticed that too. I guess they do that to be able to sell more accessories later. I was mainly concerned with the mass of this chuck + the adapter plate being too much for the spindle bearings or motor.

chuck3.jpg chuck4.jpg
The only way the weight and mass might factor in is that now that a bigger chuck is on there, the potential for bigger and heavier material being in the chuck is there. I can't say that it would never be a factor under those conditions, but in itself, the chuck is well within design limits. You still can't swing anything larger in diameter over the cross slide anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it at all.