After much thought I decided that I didn't want to cut my change wheel for the lathe because if all goes wrong and I am unable to make a new
I won't have one, I know that I could probably repair the old one but I would sooner keep it original. So because I would like to have an mt3
taper through the spindle and the hole in the change wheel is only 15mm I decided to make a temporary spindle. I would rather not waste a lot of material
I will make the spindle from several pieces. Starting with 80mm dia bar 20mm long I bored a hole through the middle to 25mm, my biggerst drill bit is 16mm
and I don't have a boring bar so I ground up a piece of 6mm tool steel and continued boring to a tight fit on 25mm bar.
Cut a chamfer on the disc and welded the 2 together. Then 2 pieces of 40 bar one bore to 25mm and the other to 15mm this also took ages, I had to grind
more off the tool steel because for the 15mm hole my nearest drill bit is 13mm but with small cut I git there.
Then chucked the spindle and cut the shoulder for the spindle lock.
The assembly would have to stay in the chuck now till it was complete. 28mm from the spindle lock collar I reduced the 25mm shaft to 15mm to the end.
then slid the components on the spindle.
I threaded the end of the spindle so a clamping nut would hold everything together. The first piece of 40mm I loctited to the shaft, I put the assembly
back together with a spacer instead of the change wheel so I could clean up the 40mm bars to the same diameter.
By the time they were cleaned up they ended up at 38mm both the same dia and in line true to the spindle, I think!
Next the bushes. I was expecting to use brass for the bushes but on my travel during the day I nipped into an engineering shop I had not been in before
and ask if he had any bronze he said where would I get an Olympic medal from? I though he must be kidding but he just walked off, so I guess he wasn't.
I went to another shop and on the shelves he must have every off cut he has produce since he started, hundreds of bits, some only an inch long, but he did have some bronze. A nice piece of tube 47mm dia, with 33mm bore just right.
I know I shouldn't have held it like that and I regretted it because as I tried the barrel on for final sizing I dislodged and it ran off true, but when I measured my 4 jaw I didn't think it would fit but it did. I did take some pics of the bushes being made but they were terrible. so here are them finished
Boring the bushes was difficult I will make a boring bar, I may have to buy something for measuring bore diameters cus a vernier is not up to the job.
The bushes pushed in nicely I must have tried the a dozen time to get the size.
All assembled, and it turns, a bit of tidying up and ready for the next stage.