You know you are a Hobby-Machinist when....

You know because you keep getting into strife for tracking "little shiny bits of stuff" into the house. .... "But I wiped me boots luv, honest"
:nono: John B
Thanks Marco, I did look there but the Australian English dictionary does not work with Fox Version 30. It does not matter really, I am comfortable letting the inbuilt spell check highlight stuff. Sometime I will accept the US spelling, sometimes not. Depending if I am in a picky mood. :angry:
Just installed the UK version, we spell the same as our colonial masters anyway. :whiteflag:

You know you are a Hobby-Machinist when....the protagonist of the last spicy book you wrote owns a 1942 Monarch ee10 :biggrin:
(finished to write that book just tonight - sorry, Italian only!)
You know you are a Hobby-Machinist when....the protagonist of the last spicy book you wrote owns a 1942 Monarch ee10 :biggrin:
(finished to write that book just tonight - sorry, Italian only!)

Is it used as a prop for some sort of lurid encounter?
You get up at 4:30 in the morning to go run $100k machining centers 10 hours a day cutting nasty 15-5 stainless making parts for helicopters, and can't wait to get home and scrape grease, clean and paint your $1300 52 year old Bridgeport.

I told my girlfriend I have three vices, (vises) they all all Kurts.

She says I now have a mistress...................she named her Brigitte ;)
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You hear this voice: "CAN I HELP YOU, SIR!"

And you're suddenly startled out of a semi-hypnotic state, where you realize you've spent the last half hour:

- Standing before the assorted screw/nuts cabinet at the local hardware store.
- Resorting and organizing the jumble of mis-placed screws/nuts in the assortment tray.
- And, forgot why you're here in the first place...